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"Are you sure?" I looked at him uncertainly.

"Yes, I'm sure." He clasped his hand over mine. "Don't worry about me."

"You better be still here when I get back." I told him, playfully raising my eyebrows for effect.

He laughed. "Hey, where else would I go?"

I look back at him before I leave the room. "See you later."

Two Years Ago

I wake up to the sound of my parents arguing. Rolling my eyes, I sigh. They've been like this ever since Lucas, my brother, left. Being in a prominent family forces you to adhere to certain standards. Standards that my brother's girlfriend failed to reach. One night, he packed his bags and eloped with his girlfriend, Catherine.

Lucas sends me updates every now and then, but even I don't know where they are. They move around a lot, so that it would make it difficult for our parents to find them. The last time we spoke, Lucas told me that my nephew was starting to walk. If I'm honest, I hope my parents never find them.

Not wanting to hear my parents argue anymore, I made a move to close my bedroom door.

"I'm putting a stop to the search." My father said firmly.

That caught my attention. Moving slowly and quietly, I made my way towards their bedroom. I made sure to keep away from the open door.

"Oscar, do you even hear yourself?" My mother replied. "He's our son!"

"He left, remember? We hired the best private investigators in the country and we still haven't found him. It's been three years. It's obvious he doesn't want to be found."

"We have to keep trying! He belongs here with us, and not with that - that wench!" I made a face. Catherine was the kindest person I knew. "That girl is going to destroy him, if she hasn't already."

"You misspoke. Catherine's not the one who ruined him, it was the both of you." I spoke up, leaning against their bedroom door. "Stop the search. You're just wasting money. You won't find him either way."

"You've been in contact with him?" My mother crosses the room. She frantically shakes me. "Viola, you have to tell us where he is!"

I scoff. "Tell you? So you can what, disrupt his life for a second time? Trust me, he's perfectly happy right now." I make eye contact with my father when I say, "Even if I knew where they were, there's no chance I would tell you."

What I said angered my father even more. "I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my house. We are your parents and I expect you will treat us with respect!"

"I lost my respect for you the moment Lucas left." I sneered. "I should have gone with him."

He raised his hand, ready to strike me. I didn't flinch. "You're a prominent figure in politics. What will the press say when they see bruises on my face? You don't want your reputation to be tainted, do you?"

His hand shook in the air before he dropped it. He sighed, exasperated. "Just get out of my sight."

"Gladly." I gave him the strongest glare I could muster before slamming the door behind me.

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