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          the first two hours were the death of draco. potter has been extremely clingy
and of course, he was being all sweet and gave draco nicknames that made zero sense.

          but deep down, draco wasn't really complaining. he wouldn't dare to. he knew by now that he was in fact, very madly in love with harry potter and he was sort of glad that he was. because he knew potter could help him.

          it may have been the way that harry's smile seemed even goofier than it was before, or the way harry ruffled his hair because he got too nervous babbling about something to draco. honestly draco had no idea what potter was saying. that was mostly because he stared at him and tried to focus on him yet all the words the raven spoke weren't heard by draco at all.

          maybe potter really liked him too. . that was something draco was still confused by. they were going to go on a date, they smell each other in amortenia but did they truly like the other?

          ,,draco your eyes are so beautiful. ." harry moved closer to draco and smiled at him. oh that smile, the killing smile. the smile draco would kill to see. the boy was now close to draco and as much as draco didn't want to kiss him when it was because of a potion, he couldn't let the opportunity pass.

          their lips connected in a way that made draco feel as if he were a sunflower that just woke up from a good night rest and was ready to face the sun again and shine as bright as ever. his hand found it's way on the back of harry's neck and he deepened the kiss, making it rougher, sexier.

          draco felt like he was drowning. he was drowning in a newly discovered ocean named harry james potter, the boy who won't fucking die. maybe he would think of a better name later.

          harry's lips were surprisingly soft and draco couldn't help but smile into the kiss. it still hasn't dawned on him that he was kissing harry potter. soon, they parted both breathless as ever only to make out seconds later again.

          as much as draco knew that it was kind of wrong of him to do this, he couldn't find a single cell that would be bothered to care enough to stop him. he didn't care about his father, his friends, or anyone else in that matter in this very moment.

          he saw, felt and thought of harry and only harry. and that was the best feeling draco has ever felt. he made sure to savour every minute of it, in case he would never get to feel it again.

          ,,draco i'm in love with you."

          ,,you're so perfect."

          ,,let's get married."

          harry was never hearing the end of this. just two more hours and harry will be back to normal. did draco want him to go back to normal?

          absolutely fucking not.

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