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          sunrise. a beautiful thing to watch when you've not slept a minute and spent the night sitting in the astronomy tower, thinking.

          harry sat up, as he eyed the sun once again. merlin, everything reminded him of draco and he couldn't really take it anymore.

          harry made a full on plan on how to save the boy from his hellish father. the plan may not have been the most clever one and he needed to talk to his best friends first, but if everyone acted according to the plan, it just may be the start of something beautiful.

          he wrote to mrs. and mr. weasley that day.

          dear molly and arthur,

          as much as i know it is rude of me to ask anything of you, i can't help but feel the need to request yet another favor from you. i have fallen in love with someone that you and i both have quite a history with. that person is in danger at his own house, he's had the cruciatus curse used on him so many times he's grown resistant to it. even if that person does not love me and has been nothing but a simple minded, racist git, he's changed. i believe by the time you've read this line, you know who i'm talking about. yes, i mean draco lucius malfoy. i think you knew that i'm a queer even before me, and if you didn't i hope you don't mind it. what my request is, may i bring draco to the burrow? his father is a dangerous man and i do not wish for anyone i love to be hurt or feel unsafe wherever they are. i have yet to talk to ron about this, but i hope you two will understand my situation. in fact, right after i get an answer from you i'm planning to talk to ron. i understand that i'm asking too much, and that i owe you so much already, but i'm practically begging you to help me save him.

          - harry james potter

          as soon as he sent the letter he sighed. he was afraid of their reaction. much to his surprise, not even 30 minutes later a letter came. from molly and arthur. now, harry truly was a nervous wreck.

          dear harry,

          we knew that you liked men dear, but it took us by a surprise when we came to the knowledge that it is the malfoy boy. arthur is a little stuck in the past with a grudge he holds against lucius, but i am not objecting to draco coming here as long as he acts civilised and apologises for the things he's said or did to my children. i may be nice but i'm also a mother and anyone who hurts my kids is an enemy no matter their motives. i do trust however, that you have had a reason for falling in love with him, harry. as long as he doesn't hurt my children anymore, he's as welcome at the burrow as anyone else. i hope to see him in winter break, harry. have a good day, dear!

          - molly weasley and arthur weasley

          he noticed that it was probably around seven already so he decided to go to breakfast and talk to his best friends. both about yesterday, and the saving malfoy plan.

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