That pressure on my chest only grew and soon, I could feel my heart beat out of my chest from feelings so anxious.

I frowned. "Gone?" I said. He nodded. "I don't think you guys realize who you are dealing with." He spoke calmly but coldly. "This is my mother."

I stood up. "So what you're telling me is that you know this plan isn't going to work." I said. It fell silent as he stared at me, his eyes boring holes into me.

I widened my eyes. "How childish of you." I gritted my teeth. "So you knew that none of this was going to work and yet you still let us go on with the plan." I scoffed as he stayed quiet. I avoided his eyes and shook my head. "Unbelievable.." I muttered.

Wakatoshi just looked at me and turned his head. He then walked away from me and down the long hallway.

I was honestly mad. Not because he knew the plan wouldn't work, but because he didn't say anything until now. He has been going along with it this entire time, and now...

I shook my head and sat back down on my bed.

I don't know whether to be mad at him or not.

*y/n's pov*

I started to make my down to the gym, Tendou's sweater folded neatly in my arms. I smiled sweetly to my self as I walked down the sidewalk.

I'm starting to think that this plan might work. Everyone has been working so hard on it, especially the team.

I opened the door to the gym and peeked in. "Y/n-chan! Over here!" Uko wailed. I looked over and seen her and Hikari. I raised my eyebrow, as Hikari wasn't really someone from the team whom I spoke to. She was our Libero.

I slowly walked in and clutched Tendou's sweater in my hands. I then made my way over to Uko and Hikari. "Hi y/n-chan!" Uko beamed. I gave her a nod and glanced over at Hikari. "Hello y/n." She said politely. I gave her a nod.

Uko looked down and seen the sweater that I had in my arms. "What's that?" She asked curiously. I looked down. "Tendou's sweater." I said bluntly.

Hikari made me feel on edge. I didn't like the feeling I got when meeting someone new, I felt like she was silently judging me.

Uko jumped up. "Put it on!" She said loudly. I looked up suddenly. "Wait what?" I said. Hikari smiled. "You heard her, go put it on." She said, going along with Uko.

I puffed my cheeks. "Right now?" I asked anxiously. Uko jumped around and put her hands together. "Yes, yes! Right now!" She said excitedly.

I frowned at her slightly. "You're too excited about this." I mumbled to her as I turned around and walked towards the locker rooms.

I slipped on Tendou's sweater, it settling on my skin. It smelled purely like him, his scent taking over. I smiled to my self as I pulled the sweater closer to my nose, taking a deep breath in.

I widened my eyes.

What. Am I. Doing.

I looked down and noticed that the sleeves were extremely long. It fit nicely, all except for the sleeves. I grinned to my self.

"I actually like it." I mumbled to my self. I picked up my shirt and folded it, then carrying it out with me.

I poked my head out of the locker room door and looked around. Uko looked over at me and practically screamed. "OHMYGAWD Oh my gAwd." She ran over to me and yanked me out from behind the door. Hikari followed in behind her.

Uko widened her eyes. "Y/n-chan you look adorable!" She gasped. My face turned red from the compliment. "Thank you..." I mumbled. Hikari looked at me, a pleasant look on her face. "You look nice y/n-chan." She said calmly. I gave her a smile and a nod.

Uko smiled and then looked behind me. "Hey y/n-chan." She said. I looked over at her. "Hmm..?" I hummed in response. She pointed behind me. "Look who's here." Uko said. I raised an eyebrow and turned around.

There stood tendou in the door way, a deep blush on his face. I immediately turned around to face Uko, hiding my blush. "U-uh I'm going to go help Rori and coach Chima with the set up outside...!" I said as I rushed past them.

Uko watched me walk away, Hikari having a content look her face. "Why'd she rush out like that?" Uko asked as she tilted her head. Hikari smiled sweetly. "Because of him." She whispered in a soft tone.

Uko turned around and seen tendou, frozen in the door way, the blush still on his face.


Okay; wow. I'm so so sorry for taking for ever to update. You guys have no clue how bad I feel about not updating sooner.

I am: failing s c h o o l

I've been trying to get my grades up recently so I may keep my phone. But hhhhh.

It's really hard.

But guess what, guess what.

I don't have that many friends who watch haikyuu👉👈.... so if you want or if you would like to you could dm me on instagram or on here.

My Instagram is qinsoe :)


please please please eat something and drink water.

okay BIG person talk ;-;,,, i know that since the corona virus is out, it's especially hard for a lot of people at home. some people stay in bed all day for so long they forget to eat and drink water.

i know it's hard for many as well because school was a get away for people, to get away from family and toxic house holds, mainly just to get a break. it was also a place for people to eat 2 out of your 3 daily meals.

some people are alone right now during this pandemic. and I know it's hard to cope with loneliness.

but, if you're ever feeling alone, please please please PLEASE message me oh my goodness.

or if you have any problems.

i have so much love to give and i would love to talk with you.

I will ofc try my best to support you and make you feel better!

if you do message me, be A W A R E that i start off conversations with the weirdest questions ever. but that's just how i roll.

now, now my babeys. UNTIL NEXT UPDATE.


Please take care of yourself, a make time for self love and care. <3

(Babes, I do not read over these, so I am sorry for the misspelling.)

Word count: 1781

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