chapter twenty

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I'm cutting this chap a lil short
bokuto baby 🥺
school has destroyed me

I hurried outside and straight to Rori. She watched me make my way over to her with a confused look on her face as I hid behind her. "Y/n-chan are you okay?" She asked me.

No. N o. I was not okay. My face was up in fumes. I felt h o t and smothered.

I shook my head and set my forehead on her shoulder. "No.." I mumbled slightly. Coach chima have Rori a questioning look and Rori just waved her off.

Rori turned around and walked with me to a nearby bench that was close to the door. The smell of food filled the air as Coach Chima helped prepare the food, the wind carrying it to my nose.

Me and Rori sat down on the bench, her turning to face me. She breathed in. "Ohhhhhh~kay, what happened?" She asked concerned.

I huffed. "I..." I groaned loudly. " GAH." I struggled to talk, covering my face and Rori sighed, a small smile on her lips. "It's alright, take your time." She said softly. I leaned back and sighed.

"I...really hate feelings." I spoke quietly. Rori raised her eyebrows and scooted forward a little more to listen to me. She looked at me for a moment. "How come..?" She asked. I looked down at my hands.

How do I tell her. How do I tell her. How do I tell her. How do I tell her.

"Is it tendou?" Rori asked me.

I stopped for a moment. My heart racing quickly. Was it that easy to tell?

For some reason I felt my breathing deepen and the horrible feeling in my chest grew. I clasped my hands together and started to panic slightly.

I didn't like the feeling of liking someone. It felt weird, and it was mainly stupid. It's just a chemical reaction in my dumb head.

Rori scanned me, watching my breathing, obviously noticing something was wrong. "Y/n?" She spoke to me in a cautious tone. I shook my head back and forth. Coach Chima looked over at me and Rori, raising her eyebrow a little.

Tears started to dwell in my eyes. I feel like I'm underwater, I feel like I can't breathe.

"Y/n-chan are you okay?..." rori asked once more. I shook my head no. " brother please...." I said, my voice shaky. Rori widened her eyes and got up, running inside the gym.

Coach chima walked over and kneeled down beside me, looking up at me with a concerned look. "Y/n....hun, I need you to breathe." She said to me slowly.

I closed my eyes and brung my knees up to my chest, lying my head on my knees.

I hate overthinking everything. This plan. My life.

I could hear footsteps come closer to me and a voice speak. "I need everyone to back away please." It was ushi.

Wakatoshis pov

These panic attacks can come out of no where for y/n. People think that it's just for attention, but as outgoing and fun as she seems. It could be triggered by random things or by other people.

Simple things as the thought of an old embarrassing memory or overthinking things could trigger it. Even being a little bit overwhelmed. Everyone's anxiety is different.


I looked down at y/n, rubbing my cheek. I sighed slightly and pulled out my phone, sitting there for a moment in silence.

The wind picked blowing both mine and y/n's hair around.

I could tell that her panic attack had slowed down a little as her body was still.

I glanced down at her, turning to face her. "So..." I started slowly, looking back at the door to the gym. "...I heard that there's this new boba shop at the mall." I spoke.

The wind picked up, causing me to squint my eyes slightly. I looked back at her to see her head moving up slowly. We both made eye contact and a gave her sympathetic look. She looked away and kept quiet causing me to tilt my head.

"Do you want to talk about it...?" I asked quietly. Y/n stayed quiet and kept her head turned from me. I watched her eyes dart around, trying to find things to catch her attention.

I sat up and exhaled, rubbing my legs. "Well, I heard they have honeydew flavor." I said. "..I know it's your favorite." My voice was subtle.

There were sometimes when I didn't know how to comfort her, or if there was even a way to. She was always off in her own world.

Y/n stayed quiet. I could hear her breathing as the wind died down and i could tell that she had calmed down a bit.

Team mates started to file outside from the girls club and coach chima started to give out plates.

I compressed my lips into a line and I played with my hands. "Do you want some food?" I asked, my voice quiet.

Y/n shifted her body slightly and turned her head, just so her eye was peeking out. She still avoided my gaze at all costs but answered. "..." she huffed. "...yes please.." y/n said softly. I smiled and kissed her forehead. I then stood up and walked away.

Sorry but I had to cut it here lololololol

I have no way of telling my best friend I'm moving schools and omg

but I started to write this like a week ago and I said I was going to update I think yesterday or two days ago and I NEVER DID

So update will just be whenever I can update which may be weekly

But wish me good luck I'm going to take my written test for my permit Monday :,)

anyways i hope you babes are sleeping well and eating enough,,, remember to drink plenty of water and to stretch

i wub you my beautiful babeys <3 stay safe ! !

Until next update :,)

Word count: 1035

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