chapter two

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ngl mxmtoon be hitting different at 2am

It was near the end of the day as I walked through the halls. My last period had just ended and I was making my way towards the second gym.

I am quite nervous, for starting volleyball. I used to play in middle school, but that was quite some time ago. Ushi and me would always play in the back yard or after his practices whenever he came home. It was nice back then, not that it's not nice now, but a lot has changed..


I reach the doors to the second gym, a bit flustered. The doors seemed to taunt me, raking at my neck. It seemed my social anxiety started to get to me, my hand becoming clammy. I felt a pressure on my chest that...wouldn't go away.

You could hear the squeak of shoes against the floor from out side, laughing of other girls and muffled conversations.

I gripped the bottom of my shirt, then raising my hand to the door. I slowly opened it, glancing through the crack in the door. I could see the other girls, most of them were in groups, setting balls back and forth to each other.

My breathing seemed to calm down a little, but i was still hesitant to walk in. I stepped inside, quietly shutting the door behind me. I looked around a bit confused as to where I was supposed to go.

I was supposed to find the coach, as we called over the phone the other day, I don't really know what she looks like.

A few girls passed me, and honestly, I was in awe. I looked around a noticed that a lot of the girls here were very beautiful.

"Hello..?" A voice caught my attention, and I looked over to a girl, who had light brown hair, and blue eyes that complimented her skin. She gave me a warm smile. "You must be y/n-chan.." she spoke softly. I nodded slightly. "..I'm cheruko kuwairuzaki, but you may call me uko." She said. "So, you were the new recruit, huh?" Uko chuckled, she began to walk and I walked beside her. "Coach chima has been wondering when you would arrive, she's been excited about you coming." She admitted.

We walked around the court and to the other side, a door came into view. Uko opened the door and leaned against the door frame. "Yo, chima, she's here." Uko removed her self from the door frame and moved over a bit. "Doesn't seem to talk much, so I wouldn't try and pry." Uko said to her. I peered into the room, to see a lady with slick black hair, pulled back into a ponytail. She looked up at me, a pure smile on her face. "Well...I'll be." She said. She held out her hand for me to shake. "The names chima ukruaki." I stared at her hand.

In all honesty I was not, going to shake her hand. It's a weird thing to do, I know it's common way to greet someone, but come on, it's just a no for me.

She put her hand down once she noticed that I wasn't going to shake it. Coach chima gave me a reassuring smile. "Well, I'm going to put you with someone so we can see how you do, okay?" I gave her a nod and she stood up.

We all walked out to the gym and she blew her whistle to get the others attention. "Hey hey! Everyone get your asses over here and group up!" Coach chima yelled. I watched as everyone turned their heads and started to run over. Coach chima smiled. "Now everyone, this is our newest member y/n." She introduced me. A few heads turned towards me, a few gasps were heard making me look down at my hands. "Please welcome her to the team." She said. Everyone bowed in front of me causing my cheeks to become flushed. "Welcome to the girls volleyball club!" They all said at the same time. I gave them a nod in return.

"Now y/n, I'm going to put you with uko, alright? You two may work on whatever you would like or whatever you feel needs to be worked on.." she said and looked over at me. I gave her a nod and glanced over at uko. I soon noticed that she was staring at me, our eyes meeting. "Alright!! Chop! Chop!" Coach chima spoke as she clapped her hands. Everyone scattered back to what they were doing, uko walking over to me.

She smiled at me. "So which do you wanna work on? Spiking? Setting? Receiving? Serving? any drills?" I could hear her speaking which felt like would go on forever. I ignored her and started to walk to the restroom. "You know I've had a lot of trouble on blocking recently, but I think I should work on my serves and.." she kept talking and talking and talking, making me even more anxious to get to the bathroom. "...rori has trouble on spiking which I find pretty funny, cause she's the captain and-" I shut the door to the bathroom and quickly locked it. I breathed out in relief. Finally...I'm free of her words.

I sighed as I put my hair up, putting my headband on and picking up my bags. I slipped on my knee pads and stretched. I had changed into some shorts and a t-shirt so I would be more comfortable instead of staying in my school clothes. I stuffed my school clothes into my gym bag and walked back out of the bathroom and into the gym. I sighed and set my bags down.

You could smell the sweat in the air, the same sound of shoes squeaking across the floor. Yelling was heard as others called for the ball, teams of three going against each other.

Uko was found sitting on a bench looking down at her lap. I walked over to her, causing her to look up, a smile appearing on her face. "Oh! You're back!" She said happily. Uko jumped up and ran over to a basket and grabbed a ball. "Okay, so I thought that we should work on spikes." She said and looked at me. I gave her nod.

We both walked over to a net and I stood still for a second. "Alright, I'm going to set it to you, I'm sorry if it's not perfect.." Uko said nervously. I could see her grip the ball in her hand, before twisting it and spinning it a few times.

I breathed out, my eyes searching for when the ball would float. The last time I spiked a ball was two years ago. It's almost sad, it's like I forgot that feeling.

Uko looked at me, she then threw the ball up and set it. Something clicked in me, I then started to walk and then running, swiftly jumping, my arm swinging forward and my hand coming into complete contact with the ball. The smack echoed through the gym, the ball zooming over the net and smashing into the floor.

My feet came into contact with the floor again. I breathed out, wiggling my fingers. My hand tingled, the sting coming alive again. I looked down at my hand, seeing the redness spread through out my palm. I almost smiled. It felt like it used to, it felt good. I almost forgot that tingling sensation, that burn. I almost forgot what it felt like for my hand to come in contact with a ball, what it felt like to play volleyball.
this took me a good four hours because i procrastinate :3 (I don't go back and re-read these so I'm sorry if theirs any typos🙏>_<)

Word count: 1308

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