Intro: Five Months Later

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Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, I own nothing except Kayden, Daniel, Gwen and Rhy’s baby, and Jack and Ianto’s twins.

            It had been five months since The Darkness had invaded the hub. In that time a lot of things had changed. Gwen was now nine months pregnant and on maternity leave, or the Torchwood equivalent to maternity leave. Also, Ianto was six months along with twins, a boy and a girl.

            While Gwen and Rhys had agreed on the name Jason for their little boy, Jack and Ianto had yet to decide on names. All they knew so far was that the boy’s name would start with a ‘J’ and the girls name would start with a ‘B’.

            “So, you two decide on names yet?” Owen asked Jack and Ianto as he performed the ultrasound.

            “Not yet, they’re still ‘Baby J’ and “Baby B’,” Jack told him.

            “You know, you really should come up with names because every time you call them ‘J’ and ‘B’, I think ‘Justin Bieber’,” Owen said looking at Jack and Ianto, “And don’t ask me why that’s the first thing on my mind when you say those two letters.”

            Jack laughed, “Well, we could always reverse it…”

            “Don’t you dare turn out children’s names into a sexual innuendo Captain Jack Harkness,” Ianto said seriously, but he was smiling anyway. Jack laughed and kissed Ianto’s head. Ianto cleaned himself off and they went back up to the main hub. Jack walked up to his office and Ianto started clearing up. At that moment, Tosh walked in carrying eleven month of Daniel.

            “Hey,” she called to the rest of the team.

            “Hi Tosh,” Ianto called to her and Jack waved from his office where he working with Kayden on his lap. Tosh brought Daniel down to see Owen before putting him in a play pen next to her desk. Even though they didn’t want the kids there before they were a year old, they needed Tosh there while Gwen was off. Once Daniel was settled Tosh got down to work.

            All in all, everything had gone back to normal, and yet somehow it was all so different.

Growing up TorchwoodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon