Holly Green

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Name: Holly May GreenAge: 18Gender: female Role: Face claim:

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Name: Holly May Green
Age: 18
Gender: female
Face claim:

Personality: Holly is a very light hearted girl, despite the tragedy the war brought to her home town. She always knows the best ways to make people laugh, but when her mood hits a low point, it is almost impossible to being it back up. She enjoys being outside, as there was once a time when she was sick, and couldn't go out for over two month. Worst time of her life.

Brief backstory: As mentioned before, she had gotten terribly sick as a child, and was no longer allowed outside. She started tending to her mother's herbs on the windowsill to occupy her time, and found her passion was plants. Her sister left home when Holyl was only 8, and she hasn't seen her since, making her very wary about getting attached to people. It wasn't till she was 12 that she realized they were truly at war, after all, this was all she had ever known. She began tending the gardens of the other people in her village, trying to do whatever she could to help. Two years before the end of the war, her father was called up, and killed only months later. Holly was devastated, and would get depressive episodes lasting for weeks at a time. The only thing she could find solace in, was plants.
(Reading this, I realize this is not brief at all. Oops)

Family: Lily Smith-Green (Mother) Jamison Green (Father) Hazel Green (Older Sister)

Occupation: gardener
Likes: being outside, tending for her plants, the boy next door to her old house, moist earth,
Dislikes: loud, sharp noises, thunder, being left totally alone, pure darkness
Weaknesses: she still has lingering depression, and while the episodes have lessened, they are still devastating. She also panics when faced when loud, unexpected noises happen.

Talents: um... she can plant. And make people laugh. Other than necessary skills she leaned to take care of her mother and the other worse off villagers, she didnt have time to learn much other than gardening

 Other than necessary skills she leaned to take care of her mother and the other worse off villagers, she didnt have time to learn much other than gardening

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(Her best dress, because why not)

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