Nil huffs. How long has it been since someone showed this much kindness to him? At least seven months ago, one month before the war started. The other jackals. Sure they annoyed the living hell out of him sometimes, but they were the very few that he would call his family, maybe.

Nil brushed out the thought, not wanting to think of what happened.

Soon enough, Nil was up and about after a few weeks. The bandages were off too, but he's not leaving yet until he knows of any nearby towns he could run off to, only to run off to another town if he didn't find anything useful.

Amanda let him wander around town on his own since he said he'll also use the time to think to himself, and of course, being the nice Mobian she is, she stayed behind.

It was more of an "I'll go wherever my legs take me to while I just distract myself with thinking," than an "I'll walk around to get myself familiar with the place." Though in general, the place was alright.

At least no one paid much attention to him, which is good. He'd hate to draw attention in an open place he is in right now.

"If only I could find a map of where this town is located. There is a good chance that there is a town nearby that I have been in before," Nil then sighs, "But then...someone there might recognize me. It'd surely slow me down, or maybe I'd end up dying for real,"

Nil starts to wonder if he should really take such a huge risk and if it would even be worth it.

He felt a tap on his shoulder which made his instincts kick in. He snapped his attention to whoever poked him. Instead, he didn't see anyone who could've done it.

"Up here!"

Nil looks up and sees a light blue lemur hanging out on top of a street light. She was munching on a burger.

"Couldn't help but notice ya look a little lost! I can give ya a tour!" she says.

Nil was a bit preoccupied with how she even poked him from up there. He mindlessly accepted her offer.

The lemur finishes her burger and swings down with her long tail and lands in front of him, "My name's Tangle the Lemur! Please to be meetin' ya!" she chimes.

"Nil. Just Nil. Question, how did you even poke me from up there?"

"Oh! My tail, of course!" she points to her striped tail, "It's all stretchy and can act as a spring. Even a hand! Isn't that neat?"

"A tail that acts like a that sounds interesting," Nil wonders.

"Speaking of hand tails..." Tangle leans to the side and looks at Nil's tail, "Yours look like one too!"

Nil's tail just swishes up, ", there's no way. I could've figured it out a long time ago,"

"I don't possess such an ability," was all he said.

Tangle looked disappointed, "Aw man...oh well! Not like it was super important anyway. C'mon! Lemme show you some of my favorite places!" she marches on ahead.

Nil starts to wonder why he even agreed to let her show him around.

"By the an adventurer of some sort? You travel a lot?" Tangle asks.

Nil pauses before answering, "Yeah,"

"What sort of adventures have you been in??"

"Killing wanted guys. Stealing things, only to sell for my own profit. Almost destroying the world," But Nil didn't say any of that.

[DISCONTINUED + REWRITTEN] The Infinite Stars Where stories live. Discover now