5. The Semi-Final

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The Battle of the Bands continued...

One band after another dropped out of the competition. Luckily, the Rainbooms were not one of them. During the whole competition, the goal remained the same for Star Twinkle and his friends. Twilight still needed to complete the counter-spell that would end the spell of the Sirens, who pretty much had everyone except the Rainbooms under their control.

Still, everyone believed that Twilight would manage to get the spell ready in time and kept playing good enough to make it through every round but not too good so that they would show their magic in front of the Sirens, who were, of course, watching all the performances of the Rainbooms. They couldn't afford to let them know about their plan to use a counter-spell against them so they had to keep the magic inside until the finals.

All of that worked perfectly so far.

There are only two more rounds to go for the Rainbooms and only three bands remained in the competition. One, of course, was the Rainbooms who only had to deal with one more band to reach the finals and that was Trixie's band, which are called "Trixie and the Illusions". The third band, which already reached the finals, were the Dazzlings.

This all meant that there were two chances left for the Rainbooms to use that counter-spell and the next round was about to begin in a few minutes, meaning that it was all getting really close. But despite that, everyone was in high spirits and was not worried at all. Star Twinkle and the others all believed that Twilight would end up getting the spell done by the finals, much to her discomfort. All they could do now was to wait for Trixie's band to finish their song so that they could go up on stage.

The girls were all patiently waiting but Star Twinkle was looking all over the place and was wondering why one of them was still missing.

"Where is Radiant Blast? Shouldn't he be here by now?" Star Twinkle asked confused, mainly directed towards Sunset Shimmer.

The answer that he received, however, was not what he expected.

"Don't know...not like it matters if he is here or not anyway," she said with a frown on her face, not even bothering to look at Star Twinkle.

"What?" Star Twinkle replied confused. "Where was that coming from?" He asked.

Sunset Shimmer sighed. "It's nothing, I was just thinking out loud," she said with crossed arms and a frown on her face.

Seeing this behavior only worried Star Twinkle more. "Is something wrong?" He then asked in his concern.

Sunset Shimmer realized that she probably couldn't hide it from Star Twinkle once he decided to poke in further so she just went out with what was bothering her.

"I'm just thinking about my and Radiant Blast's role in all of this," she said with a frown on her face.

"Your role?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

"Yes," Sunset Shimmer replied. "Twilight is coming up with the counter-spell and the rest of you try your best to buy her some more time and play in the band to activate the magic. But I and Radiant Blast are just standing on the sidelines and do nothing,"

This all sounded all too familiar to Star Twinkle. "So you are feeling left out?" He guessed.

Judging from Sunset Shimmer's surprised reaction, it seemed as if he hit the nail on point. "Yeah, maybe," she replied, even though it was obvious for him that this was the case.

The worried expression on Star Twinkle turned into a smile and he grabbed Sunset Shimmer's shoulder before he said some comforting words to her. "Listen, I know exactly how you feel right now," he said. He could swear that Sunset Shimmer was not believing him so he continued further.

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