The Spark

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Author's notes: 

Hello there! Its been a while once again since I've posted. I am still working on aus but I guess I can never find enough inspiration to finish any of them any time soon. However, I've been getting into reading on-shots and short aus that are under 30,000-word count and decided I'd try that instead. My goal is to just right a short sweet au, that still had enough character description to give the character enough depth and personality. If this goes well I may write another short one soon, seeing how this quarantine has given me nothing but free time for writing, reading, and sims. Lol Anyway please enjoy, and let me know what you think. I edited this roughly so if there are any mistakes please point them out and I'll go back to correct them. Please look at the end for more notes :)

                                                     ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

There are small instances in life that touches you unexpectedly. That can bring the littlest of changes that you'd never expect to affect your life much bigger down the road. Those moments are like anomalies or miracles that bring some meaning to your life. That made your lips curl up in an unexpected smile. That made your eyesore and dry from unending tears. But no one can ever determine if those instances; the joy, the anger, or even the bitterness was good or bad. Only that those instances come too soon, and pass you by even quicker.

Jungkook wished he knew.

                                                        ✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

It was blaring, his alarm clock rang obnoxiously as he groans in his sleep. A numbness flutters and stirs on his chest, a faint vanilla scent brushes his nose.

"Gukahhh.... Guk..... shut it off". Jungkook hears a low voice grumbles beside him.

He reaches over and tries to pry his dry eyes open enough to see the keypad on his phone, trying and failing to shut it off.
032513. He tries to type it over and over again, and finally, he gets it right and the siren stops.

Taehyung huffs and turns to look at him with half-opened eyes and pouty lips. "How can you be so slow? I'm fully awake now. Wanted to sleep morrrre".

Jungkook chuckles as he peeks at his naked boyfriend, and smiles fondly. The boy's curly bedhead was wild, drool still evident on the side of his mouth, as his skin glowed by the morning light through the window curtains. He was beautiful, breathtaking even.

"Mmmsorry. I'll do better next time. Forgive me?", Jungkook sighs as he strokes his lover's face gently.

Taehyung flops down again, scooting closer till his head was on Jungkook's chest and tracing his fingers carefully on Jungkook's black T-shirt, dipping down on the edges of Jungkook's muscles.
"Hmfp! You always say that. Not forgiving you today."

Jungkook chuckles, adjusting his arms so that they could hold Taehyung tighter, closer. "It's not my fault. I have to set the alarms early on, otherwise, you'll always be late to work. Then you'll be even madder at me. See the pain I go through because of you? Can't you forgive me one last time? Besides, it's hard to type on the keypad when my eyes won't open. You kept me up all night you know "

Taehyung fingers stop their adventure on Jungkook's body and he sits up looking at Jungkook seriously, the pout becoming even poutier.

"It's our anniversary date as the passcode. How could you forget it?"

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