
My eyes wander up and down as I'm sitting on the side of training court. For about hour, I think, I just sat there watching as Arawn and Maglic move around. Once Arawn won but not since that time. Maglic just won every single time. As Arawn was thrown on the ground I saw his expressions changing from anger, evil, and then to interest. He may not be the best but he intended on becomid one.

"It's so easy to get lost in their flow," my head turns to the right looking who said that. My eyes meet with the same girl from last night. This time she was wearing a white dress detailed with little flowers. She smiles at me and I smile too.
"Flow," I ask tapping a place next to me.
"Yes, flow. How they fight. How their moves come from easiest to the most complicated ones. Flow," she explained simply looking at me.
"You know, I never saw something like this. My town was never about war," I said truthfully and feel tears itching my eyes.
"Ah. Working for them made me one of the trainees myself. They want to secure everyone." She looked at me, her hands playing in her lap.
"Don't take this for a bad thing, but he is not mean, Arawn I mean, he just lost precious things." Her eyes narrow with sadness and she turns from him.
"Want to keep me company as I decorate the garden."
I nod, looking her in the eyes.
"I'm Dove by the way."
"Dalia," she whispers taking one last glance at Arawn.


"You know I think I'm getting better at this." Dalia showed at big bunch of flowers she was supposed to plant. I tried to help her but she didn't allow me.
"Sure you do," I answer tapping a ground next to my feet. We were just behind the big house of Van Doren's and I just saw that house is actually big.

Three wings spread in the different sides forming a triangle and a big garden in the middle of house. Two floor hight building in front of me reminded me on the hospital more than the house. It was white, all in stone and nice, clean pathways. Daria and one other made took care of it.

We were in the back garden planting all flowers. She wanted to create magic with them, as she told me.

The air around us was filled with bees flying around our flowers, and little of a laugh as she told me stories of her growing up in here. She knew about the war, but she decided to ignore it. It's no use to worry about it if you can't change something about it. But I could. Letters carved in my skin reminded me of that. I could change something, only if General Caius was here. She could see my memories, take me to a doctor and catch a person responsible for all of that.

"What do you think?" She said suddenly my eyes widening as I observed gentle flowers in the soil.
"Beautiful," I whispered touching little petals.
"Oh thank you Dovie!" She suddenly hugged me her arms tight around me. I smiled at her as she looked at side.
"Let's have some lunch, I'm sure General and Sir will be back soon."
I nodded listening her. He could come.

Tangling under the bandage reminded it's time for my cure but then I remembered I don't have. General had it with himself. Doctor gave it to him, not me.

"Dalia, do you know did General left my medicine to someone?" I observed her blue eyes but she waved away.
"As much I know, no, but we could check with Andrea."
"Let's check." I answer as she opened back doors to this building.

Once again I lost my steps wandering around. Decor in the house leaves people without a breath. I was faced with natural sized portret of family Van Dorin and Daria told me who everyone was. Council's wife was Isabella a tall woman in golden dress, a young man next to her was Galius, Arawn's father and a woman next to him was his mother Sophie. A nice little family but she didn't mention where they were now. I didn't ask either.

As she opened kitchen doors I hear rushing near the doors and see Arawn and Maglic speaking with an older woman.
"Andrea did General left Dove's medicine?" Dalia asked at her. She turned with a smile on her face and shook her head.
"Sorry, but no."
"What happened princess? Can't take little dose of pain?" And of course, Arawn's comment didn't go missing.
"Wonderful, you know from an experience?" I raise my eyebrows smiling.
"Just wondering," he answered sliding past me, but not before he hit me with his shoulder.
"He is just angry he lost seven times," Maglic said and smiled, "he will come his way." He nodded at all of us before turning.
"It was my pleasure my ladies, but I need to go now. Enjoy the rest of the day." He bowed a little a smile dancing on his lips.
"Have a nice day," Andrea and Dalia said and waved at him.
"Hungry?" Dalia turned to me and I nodded. But before I could say anything a sharp voice echoed through the house.
"Dove!" I spin on my heel watching as General approached us.
"Ready to go?" He said sharply his voice cold, and calculated.
"Always." I answered turning to face Dalia.
"It was nice meeting you," I hugged her and waved at Andrea. She hugged me oto and I turned to General.

He was already making his way towards the doors before I caught on him.
"Will we be coming back here?" I asked to his back.
"No." He answered sharply and exited the court.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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