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I woke up this morning in Jin's arms. The sun's rays shone through the curtains, and I could smell the fragrance of his hair products. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, a sharp contrast to his normal self. I look at the time, and see that it is 06:30, three hours before we need to leave for the airport. I wiggle out of his burly frame and go to the restroom to brush my teeth and shower. I think I can afford to let him sleep for some more time. 

As the hot water hit my back, I thought about how good it felt to be in his embrace. During trainee days, neither of us were the best dancers, and we frequently got the most critique from Hobi. As a result, we often spent time together helping each other out. I remember all the late nights we would spend in each other's room, practicing and falling asleep together. I fell in love with his smile, his confidence, his voice, and ultimately with him. At first, it was a parental love that every leader has for his members. As we spent more time together, I realized he was more than an incredible vocalist and handsome face. However, as we became bigger artists, we also experienced more hate, and as hard as he tried, I could tell he became more self-conscious, more hateful towards himself. I too found I hated the way I looked, the way I sounded, and the way talked, but I could never tell anyone my negative thoughts, because I need to be strong as a leader. As a leader, I need to be there for my members. As a leader, I need to distance myself from the members. Because of this, I tried to force my feelings for him to go away. I ignored the fact that every time he flirted with an interviewer, a part of me died on the inside. I stopped coming to his room to check up on him in the middle of the night. I ignored the looks he gave me, pleading me to explain myself. I'm doing it for him, though. Yea. For him. Why is it so hard to stay away?

I shut off the tap, and then I realized my towel was in my room. I figured I would use his, since  he's still sleeping, and just give him an extra one from my room. Originally, Jin was rooming with Suga, I was with Tae, and JK was by himself, with the other two rooming together. However, Suga moved into JK's room because of his gaming computer, leaving Jin by himself. 

I took Jin's towel, and I noticed he brought his towel from home. It was his favorite purple towel, it was so adorable that he brought it with him. I look around and realize I also have my clothes in my room. I'm so stupid! I open the door and peek out into the room, and notice he is stirring. I decide to wake him up, since I desperately need clothes.

"Psst Jin, wake up," I whisper, gripping my towel tighter. I already hate my body, and I'm extra conscious around him. He looks at me with groggy eyes, and I see his eyes widen. They make their way up and down my body.

"Eyes up here, Jin," I whine. 

"Whatever, you don't have anything I don't," he snaps. Ouch. I also noticed that his cheeks were slightly pink. I'm probably embarrassing him so much. Who'd ever want to have a leader like me?

"I was taking a shower but I realized I didn't have clothes. Can I borrow some of yours for now?"

"Sure. Wait why are you using my towel?"

I murmur a response when the door swings open and Suga walks in. I see his face change from confusion, to shock, to a wide smile. 

 I then realize I'm still wearing only a towel. My face turns bright red, and I don't dare look at Jin, fearing the look in his eyes.

"Oooh, I came here to make sure Jin was awake, but it looks like things are a bit more interesting than I thought! I was actually wondering why Namjoon here hasn't woken us up before, but it seems he was busy doing other things," he says with a smirk. God, I'm so embarrassed. 

"No it's nothing  like that, I was taking a shower and I forgot my clothes in my room!" I quickly utter. This probably looks so bad, considering Suga was the only person I told about my hopeless crush.

"Wait, how do you even have a key for this room?" Jin asks, trying to divert the attention away from us.

"I used to sleep here, remember?" 

"Okay since you two are obviously awake, I'm going to go make sure everyone else is awake," Suga continues with a smile. I could tell I have so much explaining to do later. 

After he left, Jin looked at me with a smile and tossed me a pair of jeans and a Fila shirt. 

"Please, put some clothes on before your roommate walks in," he says cheekily. At least he isn't being awkward about it. 




4 hours later, we scan our boarding passes and board the flight. Jin and I sat together, with Hobi and Suga on the opposite side of the aisle. Tae, Jimin, and Jungkook sit in the seats in front of us. I look at the screen and make a mental note of which movies I want to see during the flight. I made sure to sit in the aisle because I know I have to use the restroom a lot during flights. What can I say? I can't control it.

I could tell Jin was tense, as he usually is before takeoff. I hold his hand and give it a squeeze. 

"Do you remember the first time we all went on a plane together? It was my first time flying, and you told me airplanes do a loop in the air when they take off, so I was holding your hand like this waiting for it to do a loop," I say. I stole a glance at Suga to see if I said the right things. I've always been bad with words, so he's always been the one to help me with what to say, especially when it comes to Jin. 

He takes his hand out of mine and frowns at me, with a pointed look in his eyes. 

"I'm fine, Joonie. Not all of us are scared of everything. I don't need to hold anyone's hand," he replies, with an edge of ice in his tone. Did I say something wrong? This was far different from how he was this morning...

I mutter an apology an look over at Suga, whom I was sure heard everything. He gave me an apologetic smile. 

We hear the captain on the radio talk about takeoff and safety procedures. This was going to a long flight. 

A/N) I know nobody is going to read this but I'm going to try to alternate viewpoints every chapter to give both perspectives!

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