Meet Kojima Katsumi

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Lust and smoke were especially thick in the air of the mildly popular back alley gentlemen's club tonight, but then again when were they not? The club was dark with most of the purple and blue colored lighting being directed at the stage where many promiscuous women perform for their guests. The room was filled with strictly carnivores, but that's to be expected in the back alley of course. It's funny how all the necessities and courteous actions that carnivores were taught from such a young age were suddenly thrown out the window as soon as there wasn't an herbivore in sight; an alive herbivore that is, as one of those prohibited actions carnivores are never to do is eat meat and yet here we are.

Tonight, in particular, was a special night for a certain back alley meat supplier, because tonight will be the last night of his miserable existence, albeit he does not know it yet.

The beast's name was Īto Hideki, a dark, black panther who has a knack for hunting innocent herbivores and slashing their throats with his sharp claws. He takes the bodies to his den, which is really just an enormous meat locker and sells it to the meat vendors at the market pretending to be a morgue. The sickest part of Hideki's business though is that he keeps the heads. Rumor says that he keeps a collection of the skulls of his victims. It's like the skulls are trophies to him. Regardless of if the rumors are true or not the facts remain the same, which is that he is a cold-blooded killer and tonight he will perish by the hand of the devil fox of the back alley market, Kojima Katsumi.

Her cue came in the form of the low strums from an electric guitar ringing through the questionable establishment causing the loud carnivores to quiet down an advert their hungry gaze to the stage. Īto Hideki was in the front row ready for a show just like he always was every second Saturday of the month, Katsumi did her research.

As soon as she heard the song come on she knew she had a job to do. She stuck her long leg out first from the curtain to gain some attention before using her paws to slowly move them out of her way and strutted down the stage. She heard the hollers and whistles coming from the crowd, but most weren't excited, not yet of course. She waited until the music was no longer just vibration coming from a single guitar but was one with a beat and melody, and soon began to slowly shed the concealing red kimono she came out in. The crowd grew louder as she tossed the kimono to the floor and only was left in a black mask that covered the lower half of her face, tight shorts that were basically underwear, a cropped long sleeve top that showed an obscene amount of cleavage, it was no wonder the men got louder as soon as the kimono dropped. The whole costume was supposed to resemble a sexy samurai. Katsumi had to make sure she did everything right while on stage, she didn't want to give anything away or strike too soon.

When the song playing in the background started to quicken its pace and introduce a breathy female voice that's when the real show began. Katsumi blocked out her conscious telling her to immediately put on some more clothes and just shoot the dick as he leaves, and began to sway her hips and raise her hands to her head as if to let the animals surrounding her get a good look. She let her hand run down her face, around her breasts, along her exposed midriff until she got to her thighs, and as the singer gets louder Katsumi opens her legs to her admirers. Cash begins to litter the stage as Katsumi dances, although Katsumi wouldn't consider this to be dancing more like just showing off her ass in a sexy way, but hey maybe that is dancing these days.

Katsumi can feel the lustful eyes of her target on her exposed body and decided that she has reeled them in enough. She gave one last quick look to the bar where Hideki's bodyguards are; some drinking, most watching but from afar. She thanks her lucky stars that none of these men recognize her yet or they're just too drunk to realize and she locks eyes with her target. She narrows her bright amber eyes at Hideki and begins to crawl on the strange to him as if she was preparing to pounce on her prey.

Hideki ran his disgusting tongue along with lips as Katsumi get closer to him and when she reached out and ran her finger under his chin he purred with delight. He took a few bills from his coat pocket reached out to put the money in Katsumi's shirt as an excuse just to cop a feel of her breasts. As his filthy paw made contact with Katsumi's fur she revealed her blades that were tucked in the long, roomy sleeves of her outfit and swiftly cut Hideki's arm clean off. The limp limb fell onto the stage and the owner of the dismembered arm looked at what was now a bloody stump with wide, confused eyes. The animals that were around the two jumped back in complete surprise of what the woman before them, who they thought was a normal dancer, did to one of her patrons.

With the sudden change in atmosphere from sensual to terror came a brief moment of shock where no one quite knew what they just bore witness to or what to do in general. Katsumi took this brief moment of confusion as her chance to finish the job, she sliced through the bastard's neck leaving him slumped over the stage which was now covered in dollar bills and a growing pool of thick, crimson blood.

There were a few screams that followed Katsumi's actions, but mostly gunshots as Hideki's henchmen reveal their concealed weapons as well and attempt to shoot Katsumi, but she was too quick. In an instant, the girl was off the stage and on one of the beasts causing another to shoot his own ally. She made quick work of the obviously inexperienced bodyguards that Hideki hired for cheap and walked back on stage to collect the kimono that she previously disregarded because she was not about to walk out into the cold streets of the back alley market in the poor excuse for a samurai costume she was adorning currently.

As she slipped the kimono on and tucked her twin blades back into her sleeves she heard a carnivore who was cowering on the other side of the bar yell out, "It's the Devil Fox. The Devil Fox!"

Katsumi rolled her eyes at the cowering animal and she took off the mask that was covering her face and smiled, baring her sharp fangs and fox-like features that were covered. Before she looked like a small caribou with peculiarly carnivorous looking eyes are ears, but now it's clear as day. She one hundred percent not one hundred percent caribou or fox. In fact, she's a hybrid of both.

She was born of a father caribou and mother fox. Her features bear a likeness to her mother's, but the small antlers on her head, little spots here and there, and strong limbs compare more to her father. She had glowing yellow eyes that were unmistakenly those of a fox and fur that was ashy red.

Without giving the other animals in the establishment much more time to look her over she left. She dashed down the alley until she was sure that nobody was following her and made her way to the place she now calls home, the den of the Inarigumi.

This scene is just to introduce Katsumi I promise I will never try to describe this kind of dancing again I'm very aware it's not my thing.

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