She kissed me quickly before we walked downstairs hand in hand. I felt anxiety creep up on me, more and more. What if my mom makes a show in front of everyone? Now would be a good time to announce that I'm moving out soon. Oh, Deja will be so upset. But I don't like this. And at least they won't be in my way next-


"WHAT?! Sorry I was thinking." I blurted then mumbled, looking around the table at the surprised faces. "oh, veggie fettuccine." I looked down and took a seat.

I hadn't realized I haven't sat yet. Or that I had even reached the dining room.
I exhaled and began shaking my leg under the table. Even as they said grace, I kept getting anxious. I was brought back to reality one more time as they said "amen" and announced beginning to eat.

I forced myself to eat. To those that we're watching me cautiously, it would seem like I was genuinely enjoying the meal. But I wasn't, no matter how bad I wanted to. My stomach needed the food but I just. I don't know how to describe it.

"calm down babe... I think they're about to ask questions too." Bella's voice sounded in my head.

"Honey, " my mom began and I gladly set my fork down to look at her. I smiled. And she picked it up. "No, I know that's not genuine."

" Ms Claire, maybe here and now isn't the best place to talk about it." A male voiced. I glanced up at Cubb.

"She's got great composure today. Odd enough. So we'll just take a bit of time to talk." my dad then inserted.

I wish it worked so I didn't have to sit through this.

And they began. It started off as 'oh my God, I would have lost my only child' Then slowly escalated to a guilt trip. I felt Bella take my hand into hers. I looked at my plate as the woman I call mom continued to do most of the talking. Deja barely got a word in because my mom was so distraught. It almost seemed to me that she wanted people to pity her. She seemed to want to give the perception that I was the bad guy.

"Wait. So are you just going to condemn her? You're not even giving her a chance to speak. Even if the note had said it already." Bella marvelled at her. It surely made mom stop in her tracks. "And I'm not speaking only from experience. Because her situation was much beyond her control."

"You're taking up for her. How about her forcing herself on you when you didn't wanna?" My mom angrily shot out.

"Ok, that's enough. Bella, Z, let's head outside." Cubb announced and Deja second.

Bella got up, never letting go of my hand so I had to trail along. I could hear my mom protest as we quickly walked to and out the door.
Cubb unlocked his car at the end of the driveway and quickly ushered us into the car. He muttered angrily about knowing something like this would happen as he started the car and began about our way when he knew we were all secured.

I kept my gaze ahead while focused on the feel of Bella tracing random patterns on the back of my left hand. I closed my eyes momentarily when it became a bit relaxing. My anxiety finally began to die down. This was probably the most relaxed I felt in months. And I really liked the feeling.

"Cuz, I'm sorry your mom was like that." Cubb glanced at me in the mirror.

"She just doesn't know how to filter her thoughts, like, damn Claire!" Deja exclaimed.

"Don't be sorry for something you can't control." I wish I was taking my own advice.

They kept silent for a while and I turned my head to the right to look out the window as we entered the highway. The highway was not very busy despite the fact it was just after 3 pm. We stopped at the red light just ahead of us. Wait, where are we heading to?

"Hey, uh where are we going?"Bella asked upon hearing my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. We're just going to the mall." he looked my direction with a compassionate smile. But I had only seen it through my peripheral vision. He turned back around just as the light turned green.

Just as I was beginning to register to the unwell feeling I had, Deja began to engage a conversation.

"I like your blouse." She started then I nodded to myself. Knowing what else she was going to say. "Aren't you hot? It's really warm out and.."

"I know Deja, it's thin, it isn't very warm to me."you know why I'm wearing such lengths too so why'd you ask? "ok, what's the name of the mall again?"

"It's the Lakewood Center, your fave." He joked a bit.

I merely nodded and kept my mouth closed until we reached the mall.

Bella held my hand as the four of us made our way in.

As always, the place was lively. Friends, couples and families were out shopping on this bright Friday afternoon. Deja and Cubb kept a little distance ahead of Bella and I as we just walked. Just as I was wondering if we would just be browsing, Deja lead us into a mini boutique.

"I'm just gonna be gathering a couple outfits here, you can help to pick out some if you want?" She smiled gently.

I shook my head and nudged Bella to do that as I walked over to the nearest waiting area available. Which was by the door.
Not to my surprise, Cubb came over and kept me company. I glanced over at him and he gave me a nod. Which I picked up was sympathetic. It made me feel even more pathetic. I pulled my gaze unto the floor before he could begin speaking.
I really hoped he wouldn't say anything.
But he did anyways.
Hope really is for suckers.

"Ay, don't feel anyway about what Claire said. She didn't know what-"

"Really?" My voice had a hint of... what's the word? Pain, maybe? "Cause I can sense things on someone. That was premeditated. She was planning to do that, she always fucking makes me feel Like I'm last on the list when it comes to prioritizing. I promised myself that I wouldn't hate her. But she does stuff like this one too many times." I felt myself getting worked up already.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply before feeling his hand resting on my shoulder. My hands trembled briefly as he rubbed my shoulder in a circular motion. My stomach turned and I sat up as straight as I could with the slight pain the started in my leg and travelled up to my chest. And this only amplified the sick feeling in my stomach causing me to grit my teeth. I squeezed my eyes shut and willed whatever coming up to go back down. This is bullshit. One month into not being possessed and this shit happen. I guess I won't have a happy ending.

I wasn't registering that Cubb knelt down in front of me. He was shaking my hand which I knew would soon begin to ache. I looked him in the eyes before weakly smiling and looking back down.

"My ass hurts, " I chuckled dryly and was relieved to see amusement replace the worry in his eyes temporarily. He stood up and held my hands firmly, signalling me to stand up. The girls were done shopping anyways. But. "My right foot hurts," I muttered but stood up anyway.

He caught on and secured an arm under my right arm and I draped an arm over his left shoulder. It would barely look like I was limping to anyone but in reality, I wanted to wail from the pain. We walked towards the entrance and waited for Deja and Bella to exit. As the seconds passed, I felt like I was having empty slots in my current consciousness. Like my brain was on autopilot every 30 seconds. One moment I was walking out the store, the next we were halfway through the mall. I had no recollection of getting in the car. I furrowed my brows and looked in the mall we were just in.

"Z, what's wrong? You aren't answering any of my questions." Deja asked as I fixed myself in the seat.

I suppressed a confused look as I glanced at her. Of course, she looked worried.

"she asked if you wanted to go to McDonald's, " Bella communicated then held my left hand in her right.

"Yeah, ok. It's not. It doesn't matter." I put a hand on my head and I leaned towards Bella.

I rested my head on her lap and literally felt myself fading out.

"Z, are you feeling alright??" Bella asked about to caress my hair.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. I'm gonna sleep." I mumbled as coherently as possible. I closed my eyes before I could blackout. Having them think I was falling asleep.

I just hope that I come to before we reached home.

A twist In My life *completed* March 24 2021*sniffle*Where stories live. Discover now