Chapter 1

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Song of the chapter: Sweet but psycho - Ava Max
If I had a gun, besides Trump, most of the Kardashians, ok fine, the list of people I'd kill is long but principal Roy is certainly on it.

I mean, who makes the entire student body watch the student council meeting?! It's just plain dumb and pointless. It would've made more sense if they actually talked about useful things but all they discussed in these meeting were absolutely useless.

"So Miss Lockhart what do you think? Should the bathroom cleaners be Astonish or Mr muscle?" One of the student council members who I only know facially asked me.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now!" I couldn't help but exclaim.

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a very impulsive and spontaneous person. That explains a lot of stupid ass stuff I have in my school records and criminal records (don't ask).

"No one cares what god forsaken toilet cleaner you use. Why the fuck are we even here!!" OK so, I also have a bit of a language problem. Correction, a huge language problem.

“Ms Lockhart you drop that mic right now and behave yourself before I lose it” Principal Roy said in his most menacing voice but it did nothing to faze me.

“Lose what?” I dared to ask which is something no other normal person would've done. Safe to say that I'm not normal. At all.

"Lockhart get back here this instant" Roy yelled when I started to leave.

"Go fuck yourself Roy. Cause I'm sure as hell that no one's gonna do that for you" although I wasn't so sure about that.

There were a lot of ohs and burns coming from the crowd but I didn't care about that.
I was almost out of the exit when I heard Roy say "Ms Lockhart, your actions are a disgrace to this school and I will not condone it".

Clearly, the man was yet to learn that the more dominance he tried to establish with me, the more I'd rebel and fight back.

"Awww, I'm sorry but did I ever give you the impression that I cared? Cause I really don't". I deadpanned and with that, I slammed the door of the auditorium shut behind me.

I'd only taken a few steps away from the auditorium when I heard the unmistakable sound of someone clapping behind me.
I whirled around in panic and sighed in relief when I saw that it was Ivan Knight and his crew. Riverview's most sought after guys; Ivan, Ryder, Curt and Jason. The stereotypical and infamous bad boy gang. Dangerous rebels who all looked good enough to eat and towered over dwarfs like myself with their palm tree like heights.

And no, I'm not one of those girls who hate the bad boys for reasons best known to them. And I'm not one of their desperate fan girls who kiss the ground they walk on either. I'm kinda in between. They're all very hot (especially Ivan) and I'm not gonna lie about that. I actually get along very well with them. Sometimes, I'm like an unofficial fifth member of their group.

In fact, there was a time when everyone is school was shipping Ivan and I even though neither if us liked each other as anything more than friends. It was actually mainly because of our similar names that everyone thought we'd make a fantastic pair. So I guess it's safe to say that I broke their hearts when I went for Danny instead.

"Knight, you scared me" I told him laughingly.

"Uhuhhh so little Miss Brave and tough is scared" he cooed while laughing as he pinched my cheeks and I punched his arm.

"Quit picking on me Knight!" I whined.

"Can't Vee. It's the highlight of my day" he replied smiling brightly and tucking a loose strand of my brown wavy hair behind my ear.

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