Chapter twenty-eight.

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Meredith's Pov.

That night was the hardest night of my life. Not only did I have to face my children, I had to face Amelia. She has gone through so much that I couldn't bare to hurt her with the news for Derek.

"Meredith, I am so sorry, baby" Ellis said. My mother wasn't always like this. She was once so caught up in work that I was labeled as her distraction.

"How could this happen? I just don't get it" I stated.

"Terrible things happen all the time Mer, and nobody can explain them" she said.  My kids were heartbroken. They had lost their father forever. I couldn't deal with the stress of this.

The night of the funeral.

"Zozo baby, come in wake up" I said quietly shaking her.

"What is going on?" She asked.

"We are leaving, we are going away" I said. I got her up and woke Bailey up too. I piled them into the car where I had already placed suitcases filled with our belongings. I couldn't stay in Seattle anymore. The first place I thought of was LA. Nobody would think to look for me there.

"When will we be back?" Bailey asked.

"Not anytime soon" I responded. When my mother left Seattle she traveled to Boston. It was far enough that nobody would be crazy enough to follow her. I left a note on the counter. I wanted them to know I was safe.

I needed to leave. Don't call me and don't bother looking for me. The kids and I are safe, but we need time away.

I bought a house not too close to the ocean but not too far from it either. I wanted the kids to enjoy LA. I wanted them to be happy. A few days after I had arrived in LA I had discovered that I was pregnant. I knew this baby would be the hardest to have because it was the last thing I had left of Derek.  I needed to make an appointment somewhere. And I did. Oceanside wellness, with Dr.Naomi Bennet.

I know that Naomi specializes in fertility in Private Practice but I want to make her and OB/GYN as well.

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