Frank held Gerard for the entire afternoon, even late into the night. He didn't let go, even when Gerard fell asleep he didn't let go. He held on tight never loosening his grip. It wasn't until Gerard moved around trying to get comfy that Frank loosened his grip. 

"F-Frankie?" Gerard sniffled and went to rub his eyes but one hand had a spasm and he ended up punching himself in the eye, he hissed and covered his eye quickly. Frank reached over to the freezer to get some ice out for him. "Here you go Gee" Gee mumbled a thank you and held it to his eye. "I'm tired, can we go to bed?" Frank nodded and held onto Gerard's arm to help him up. 

It took them a bit to get him up, couple of swears thrown around as Gerard clung onto Frank when he straightened up. His body was stiff and ridged, his leg ached. Frank didn't let go though, he help Gerard walk to his room slowly, helped him change and get under the covers, no words were exchanged between the boys.

"Goodnight Gee" Frank smiled as he tucked Gerard in "Sleep well" He wanted to kiss the older boy was scared too, he didn't know if it was best. "Stay with me" Gerard pleaded when he saw Frank walk away. He knew Frank couldn't resist, he turned back and stripped down to his boxers getting in on the other side of the bed. 

"Thank you" Gerard whispered, he rolled over and carefully wrapped his arms around Frank. He was shaking but that was his body normally. Frank blushed when he felt Gerard's arms wrap round him, he shuffled back a bit till his back was touching Gerard's chest. He dozed off happily to the feeling of Gerard's chest rising and falling.

It made him happy, he knew that Gerard was alive and safe. Gerard slept for awhile, Frank woke up pretty early, he got out of bed and dressed before coming back into Gerard's room to see if he woke up, no, he was still fast asleep snoring softly. Frank was smiling at the sight. He didn't want to seem creepy but he couldn't stop staring at Gerard. 

Soon the older boy rolled over and opened his eyes, Frank panicked squeaked and left the room. Gerard thought it was cute. He sat up and got out of bed slowly, he rubbed the cream on his leg and slipped his socks on, he thought it was pretty warm today so he pulled on some shorts and a band tee. "Hungry?" Frank ask when Gerard appeared from his room. 

"Yeh I am actually" He sat down at the table watching Frank move round the kitchen most likely making something amazing like he always does. "What we haven this morning?" 

"Just something light, eggs, bacon and some spinach and toast too" Gerard hummed at the thought of the food. "You collect your one month chip next week. You excited?" He looked over at Gerard, a dull expression on his face. He knew it was hard for him, but he knew it was going to be okay. Gerard didn't say anything he wanted to ignore it. 

"Here eat up" Frank placed a plate of food in front of Gerard still studying his face. He didn't say anything as he ate, even though it was really good he just couldn't form the words. He sat there, no expression. Frank sighed and cleaned up since Gerard wasn't talking or moving. "How about we go to the park today? It's not that far"

Gerard nodded and headed off to go change, he came back out in jeans and the same shirt, his cane in his hand. "Suits you" Frank grinned and grabbed the keys, he opened the door for Gerard letting him walk out first. He stayed close by trying to think of something that they could talk about maybe to distract Gerard. 

"I hear a new movie is coming out, a really cool animation called Onward. It's by Disney and I thought that we could go to a late night showing." Frank suggested looking at Gerard to see if anything changed. "It comes out the day I get my chip Frank" 

Frank cursed to himself "Lovely day isn't it?" Gerard looked around nodding in agreement as they walked to the park. He knows Frank was trying and he appreciated it a lot he was just struggling. He loved going to the park and seeing the flowers, his favourite spot was near the fountain. 

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