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~The next morning
Jessica wakes up for work, but with fever and headache. She tries to get up for work, but she didn't feel the best. She calls for Rebecca and tells her that she is not feeling the best and that she'll call her boss to ask if she can stay home today

Its now already 1pm, Jessica is home, still feeling sick. She replayed the scenes with Christian in her head over and over again.
Then her phone ring, Christian
Still mad by the way he was rude yesterday, she decides not to answer. She gets few more phone calls from him, but she doesnt answer.
An hour later, someone is knocking on her door, she was almost to fall asleep, and she heard it hardly, but she somehow got up to open the door.

Jessica openes the door, and on the other side is noboy else but Christian Normann, with flowers and a book in his hends. When realising who it is, she quickly slams the door closing, leaving Christian outside.
" You know im going to stay here untill you open these door " Christian said.
Jessica still didn't do anything.
Christian: Okay, now youre being really annoying
By hearing that, Jessica openes the door " Annoying huhh ? "
Christian: Can I come in ?
Jessica: No, what do you want ?
Christian: You
By hearing that, Jessica got chills all over her body" Seriously ? Why are you here ?"
Christian: For you. I went to look for you at work, but i saw you were not there, one girl told me you're sick.. so
Jessica: Oh God.. how romantic. Whatever, come in.
Christian: Thank you
Jessica: Don't get used to it. You have 5 minutes to say what you want.!
Christian sits on the couch in the livingroom " Flowers.. for you "
Jessica: Nice try.
Christian: Come on.. Im trying to be nice here
Jessica: Its not youre thing obviously
Christian: Okay...but how about I make up for being " rude " to you.. tonight
Jessica: Sorry, im sick. As you can see, Im home, not at work..
Christian: Seriously ?
Jessica: Yes. I seriously cant tonight
Christian: Well. As soon as you get better, let me know! Okay ?
Jessica: Sure I will.
Christian: Okay. I guess I better go. Work
Jessica: Yes, this way please
Christian gets really close to Jessica while standing up, to the point where he could hear Jessicas heart pounding like crazy, and said " I will... see you again, Jessica "
Jessica: Uhm.. yes, yes, okay. Goodbye, Christian

~ Christian walks out leaving Jessica breathless jumping on the couch and staying there not knowing what is happening to her.

~ Rebecca came home from work with donuts and a frozen jogurt. She gave Jessica those and went to make her a cup of tea, and then set down for a talk. Once she noticed flowers, she asked who those were from
Rebecca: Flowers ?
Jessica: I guess.. ( laughes )
Rebecca: Mr. Fancy ?
Jessica: Who else would it be
Rebecca: How cute is that
Jessica: Yeah
Rebecca: C'mone Jess, show a little something
Jessica: Im not going through this coversation with you
Rebecca: Why ? ( smiles )
Jessica: Nothing is happening, he's like cool, sometimes nice, but i dont know where this is going to take us
Rebecca: Youre right.
Jessica: And honestly i dont even know if i want something to happend
Rebecca: Why not ?
Jessica: 'Cuz, I feel like he wont appriciate relationships and stuff. You know. I feel like he doesnt even do the relationship thing.
Rebecca: I... i cant tell you anything about that, but you do what you think is good for you.!
Jessica hugs Rebecca and they continue watching the movie they started when Rebecca got home

After watching the movie, Jessica went to her bedroom. Rebecca was in the livingroom reading a book, when someone knocks on the door. Rebecca gets up to open it, and as she opened, she saw Christian. Again.
Rebecca: Uhm... Jess..
Christian: No, no... don't tell her
Rebecca: What ? Why?
Christian: Where's her room
Rebecca: Down the hall, on the left side
Christian walks in and to Jessicas bedroom
Jessica is lying in the bed reading a book by Charles Dickens.
Christian: Dickens?
Jessica jumps up from her bed " Oh my God.!! Who ? What ?
Christian: You feeling better ?
Jessica: How did you got... Rebeccaaa !!!
Christian: I was around so, thought to came check up on you
Jessica: Im better, Christian
Christian: Im glad to hear...
Jessica: Yeah..
Christian: Ohh.. also, about the dress..
Jessica looks at him while he is talking..
Christian: I... couldn't find Rebecca's dress, so I went... And, uhm.. bought her a new one. You should give it to her
( pulls the dress out of the box, wrapped in wrapping paper )
Jessica: You.. didnt have to do that. Seriously
Christian: Oh no.. I had to.
Jessica: Thanks then..
Christian: Okay.. im out now. Nice seeing you
Jessica: Yeah. You too... uhm, I'll walk you out

( they leave )
Jessica gave Rebecca the dress when he left, they had a little conversation about him, and Jessica went to bed, hoping she'll feel better tomorrow.

Mr. NormannWhere stories live. Discover now