Rude date

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~ In the afternoon

Jessica and Rebecca are hanging out in the livingroom when Jessica's phone rings

Rebecca: Who is it ?
Jessica: Unknown..
Rebecca: Pick up
Jessica picks up " Hello... "
Christian: Did you decide ?
Jessica: Who is this ?
Christian: Guess ?
Jessica: Oh c'mone
Christian: Soo ??
Jessica looks at Rebecca and whisperes " Christian "
Rebecca: What does he want ?
Jessica: Coffee
Rebecca: Go, go.. say yes
Jessica looks at Rebecca and says: Yes, I'll be ready in half an hour
Christian: I'll be there in 30 minutes

Rebecca: So ??
Jessica: What ?
Rebecca: I told you that there's something going to happend between yall
Jessica: Its just a coffee Re
Rebecca: I dont know, but I know you should be in youre bathroom, showering
Jessica: Yapp.. on my way
Rebecca laughes at Jessica and starts to watch a movie while Jessica is showering

Jessica comes out, ready to go, asks Rebecca "Are you going somewhere tonight ?"
Rebecca: Probably not
Jessica: Okay, just let me know if you do, k ?
Rebecca: Okay, don't worry
Jessica: K, im out now, see ya later
Rebecca: Have fun... not too much fun
Jessica: Bye

Jessica walks into Christians car and they drive to a Caffee bar in Venice Beach

~ In the Caffee
Christian and Jessica ordered a coffee both
Jessica: The dress... that i left at youre place
Christian: Its gone
Jessica: What do you mean, gone ?
Christian: Its not there anymore
Jessica: Well, that wasn't my dress.. It would be nice if you gave it back.. ( Christian jumps in saying) " Whats youre story, Jessica ?
Jessica: My story ?
Christian: Yes. Tell me.. about youre life, family, friends..
Jessica: Why dont you tell me ?
Christian: 'Cuz you didnt ask!
Jessica: Okay.. well. I lived in Washington D.C, with my mom.. and my younger brother. Finished highscool there, went on collage... and moved in here with Rebecca
Christian: Youre dad ?
Jessica: He.. uhmm.. He passed away two years ago
Christian: Im sorry.. what about youre friends ?
Jessica: Well, here in L.A, other then Rebecca I dont really have any friends.. Yeah, i have Jake, he.. uhm, my good old friend, he's here as well
Christian: What does he do ?
Jessica: He, he is an actor, small movies, nothing too special
Christian: What collage did you finish ?
Jessica: Northeastern University in Boston, Buisness and Comunation and Jurnalism. What about you, mr. Nordmann ?
Christian: Its like you havent googled ?
Jessica: Im not that obssesed
Christian: You like books ?
Jessica: A lot
Christian: What kind off ?
Jessica: What do you think ?
Christian: I dont know, you tell me
Jessica: To a reader who really loves books, there all the same, and so they are to me. I love them all
Christian: Wow..
Jessica: What ?
Christian: Nothing.
Jessica: What, so youre not going to say anything ?
Christian: Come with me ?
Jessica: Where ?
Christian: Im taking you one place, come
Jessica: You sure ?
Christian: Walk...

~ They sit in the car
Jessica: Where are you taking me
Christian: To the beach
Jessica: Why ?
Christian: The sunset..
Jessica: Yeah, but.. okay, just drive. Okay

Christian drives to the beach, and they walk to out, to watch the sunset

Jessica: This is nice
Christian: Yeah..
Jessica: Aren't you like, really misterious about girls ?
Christian: What do you mean ?
Jessica: Nobody has ever seen you with a girl..
Christian: My parents.. my brother and sister. That is pretty much who needs to know
Jessica: So, how is Mr. Misterious with his girlfriends.. ??
Christian: You dont need to know ?
Jessica: Why's that ?
Christian: We just met, right ?
Jessica: Okay.. you know what ?
Christian: What ? ( leans in towards Jessica)
Jessica: Im going home.. and you stay here, watch the sunset by youreself ( Gets up and starts to walk away )
Christian starts to walk behind her " Whoah, whoah, whoah.. where do you think youre going ?
Jessica: Home ! ( starts walking away again )
Christian: What did I do now ? ( starts to smile )
Jessica: Being way too rude.
Christian: Seriously ?
Jessica: Yes ! ( walks away looking for a drive home )

In the streets of Venice Beach, Jessica is now looking for a ride home, when Christian comes with his car saying" Okay, come in. I'll drop you off "
Jessica: No, thank you
Christian: Really ? Just come in, I won't say a word.. I swear
Jessica gets in
Christian: Thank you
Jessica doesnt say anything.
After few minutes of a silent ride, Christian decides to say something
Christian: How was I rude to you ?
Jessica: That's a whole sentence.
Christian: What ?
Jessica: Oh my God. ( silently says ) " what did I let myself into ?"
Christian hears it and says" Oh you have no idea "
Jessica: Excuse me ?
Christian: What.. I said nothing ?!
Jessica: Okay. Thats it. Pull over
Christian: Okay.. Sorry, sorry.. I wont say anythiing anymore

Christian tried to make the drive as long as possible, but soon they arrived at her apartmen.
Christian parks the car, saying " There you go, Mrs. Jessica
Jessica: Thank you. Goodbye ( walks away )

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