Chapter 14

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Bakugo POV

After going to one of the training areas and releasing some stress, I head back to the dorm building. I'm lucky enough that everyone seems to be in their rooms and the kitchen is empty. I head to my happy place and check the fridge. Turns out we're pretty stocked since UA doesn't want anyone to go hungry. I grab the ingredients for Tan Tan Ramen and get to work.

Once finishing up the broth portion in a saucepan with a ton of chili paste, I start to cook the ground pork on a skillet. I put a large portion of the broth on it to season it, then grab some instant ramen packets and throw it into a pot of boiling water. While managing all the tasks I feel a sort of calm chaos. I know an outsider looking in would think I was stressed, but it felt good to be able to control everything. I finish up everything and put it into two bowls. I guess I made too much for just me.


I look up to see fucking Racoon eyes.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Honestly, that ramen. It looks and smells AMAZING and you seem to have made an extra bowl."

"Tch. You can have it." I respond. She comes up to grab her bowl, then sits down at one of the small tables. She motions to the seat across from her and I begrudgingly sit.

"What do you even want from me?" I ask, trying to put anger into my voice.

"Nothing really. You don't have to tell me anything."

I take that comment and just eat my ramen. She eats hers too even though her spice tolerance seems way lower. We sit in silence, but its surprisingly not awkward. Once I finish she grabs my bowl and goes to wash it in the sink with hers. I just kinda stare at her confusingly.

"I know you're not super fond of most people, but I'm happy that you and Kirishima are close. I'm here if you ever want to talk."

Then she just walked upstairs. Huh. I guess she's not so bad."

Kirishima POV

I hope Bakugo is okay. He seemed to be avoiding me for the rest of the day after I laughed at his joke and the rest of the class saw him smile. Ugh, I'm really messing up this kind of boyfriend thing.

I decide to knock on his door after finishing my homework half-heartedly. He takes a second to open it, leaning on his door frame once he sees me.

"What's up shitty hair?"

I take a deep breath.

"Can I come in?"

He nods calmly and lets me in, unlike how I thought he'd react after today. He closes the door and flops down on his bed. I lay down next to him and he puts him arm around me. I put my head on his chest.

"Sorry if I was kind of an asshole today. Racoon eyes said something to me that freaked me out. Its okay now though." I nuzzle a little into his chest in response.

"C'mon Shitty hair, talk to me."

"I don't respond to that name."

He takes my head and turns it up so I'm looking into his eyes.

"Talk to me Eijiro." This makes a blush spread across my face and I pull my head up a little to give him a peck on the lips.

"I just want to stay here forever."

Thankfully, he accepts this answer and just pulls me in tighter. I listen to his stable heartbeat. As unstable as our secret relationship is, I somehow feel most grounded with him.

"I really like you... Katsuki."

I can feel him smile.

"I really like you too."

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