Chapter 3: Interviews

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Namjoon POV

BTS and I had just performed our debut stage of Black Swan on The Late Late Show with James Corden. We now sat on the staged couch, being interviewed by James.

"Black Swan has been an absolute hit in America, you all must be so proud!" The crowd cheered as the boys and I cheered along with them. "Now Namjoon, I heard that you wrote and composed this song yourself."

I nodded confirming his statement. "Yeah I did. We got a week off before our tour, so I took a trip to Milan to see a Salvador Dalí exhibit. I wrote the lyrics and composed the song later during our tour." I explained.

The memories of Alina briefly passed my mind. I always regretted not getting her number that fateful summer day. It's not like I could look her up either, I didn't even know her last name. Shortly after our encounter, I jotted down some lyrics thinking of her and the stimulating conversations we had. During the tour, I had finished the song and titled it for her: Black Swan.

I was busy during our world tour, constantly preparing for our performances. During our breaks, however, the thought of her would sometimes pass my mind. When the members would have disagreements, I'd wonder how she'd solve them. When we ate the foods from around the world, I'd wonder if she'd like them. When we went sightseeing during our tour stops, I'd wonder what she'd think of them. I shook my wandering thoughts away and focused on James's words.

"Now it may be a bit surprising, but not all Americans and us Englishmen can understand Korean lyrics." The audience laughed at James's joke. "Do you mind explaining the meaning of the song?"

I nodded understandingly, clasping my hands together. "It's really about how success doesn't guarantee happiness. With all this fame, also comes loneliness at times." I remembered the words Alina told me about the swan painting during our time at the museum. Is it possible to miss someone you had only known for a handful of hours?

"Wow, that is so meaningful and very true for many people in our line of work." James nodded understandingly. "Now I also heard you all will be ending your tour by performing at the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang!" He said excitedly.

I let the other boys talk since they practiced their English for this topic. After, James turned towards the camera. "Well Black Swan is out on iTunes and Spotify, and look out for their performance during the Winter Olympics! When we come back, we'll be playing hide-and-seek with Ashton Kutcher and B-T-S!!" James motioned towards us and we cheered excitedly.

The cameras cut to commercial and everyone walked off stage to grab a drink of water. I was making light conversation with James, distracting myself from the thoughts of our huge upcoming performance at the Olympics and the wandering thoughts of what Alina was doing right now.

Alina POV

I took a deep breath as I sat down on the couch of the interview section, holding onto my congratulatory bouquet of flowers and wearing a gold medal on my neck. I had just won Russia's Olympic Trials competition, and had advanced to compete in the Winter Olympics.

My coach and assistant coach came up and sat on either side of me, handing me a mic to talk to the many interviewers facing me. I ignored the flashing lights of the cameras and the yelling of the interviewers to point to a polite female interviewer raising her hand in the crowd.

She cleared her throat. "First of all, your routine for this year is absolutely stunning. What was your inspiration for the theme "Black Swan"?

No one has asked me this question before and I was excited to talk about it. "Thank you. I was actually inspired right before I met my choreographer in Milan this past summer. I had taken a trip to see the Salvador Dalí exhibit at the Pinacoteca di Brera." I answered calmly.

Directly after my encounter with Namjoon, I was sitting on the train when I realized I never got his contact information. I cursed slightly at myself. The conversations we had were so deep and philosophical, it didn't even cross my mind that we had just met each other hours before. That day, I decided my theme would be Black Swan in honor of the boy I met in the museum. I choreographed my routine thinking of Namjoon and the conversations we had.

I pointed to another interviewer who was politely raising his hand. "Is it true you've been learning Korean ever since you found out the Winter Olympics will be held in Pyeongchang?" He questioned.

"Yes, I have. After the Olympics, I was hoping to stay in South Korea for a bit. No matter what place I take, I'll be rewarding myself with a little vacation from the intense training I've had these past years." I answered.

The answer I gave was mostly true. I really did want to experience the culture and go sightseeing in Korea. Although it seemed quite stalker-ish, I couldn't help the small part of me that hoped I could see Namjoon again. I knew Namjoon's name was Korean, but then again I had no idea if he even lived in Korea. It was an absurd wish, but I hoped that staying in Korea for a bit longer would increase my chances of running into him again.

"That sounds lovely! Your hard work has definitely paid off though, your skills are unmatched!" The reporter gave me a wide smile. "Everyone already knows you'll take home yet another Olympic gold medal for Russia."

"Thank you so much." I gave him a smile and turned towards the cameras. "I will do my best and make everyone proud!" I smiled at the camera and made an encouraging fist.

The reporters applauded and the cameras rapidly flashed again. I stood up and exited the interview section, thinking about what the future will hold in the upcoming weeks ahead.

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