Chapter 16

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"Now I see fire, inside the mountain. I see fire, burning the trees. And  I see fire , hollowing souls. I see fire blood in the breeze."


Turning around after the second was dead, she turned and swung her sword in a horizontal motion, halving the warg's mouth.

A horn sounded in the distance, 'elves' Nymeria thought and she raced toward the sand hill and slid down into the darkness.

Sliding down the hill was unpleasant. All the sand made her uncomfortable. Doing a very smooth roll at the end helped lose some momentum. But all the same, Nymeria did not enough being in a dark hole.

"Managed to get four, but other people got in the way." Nymeria huffed to Gandalf.

"Why wouldn't you jump after me?" Thorin asked.

"Well, I had to have a bit of fun," Nymeria stated happily. As if slaying wargs helped her calm her mind. Which probably did.

Suddenly, an Orc rolled down the hill to everyone's surprise. As fast as lighting Nymeria whipped up her bow and shot it again to make sure it was dead. Thorin ripped out the arrow in its neck,

"Elves" He said in distaste.

"I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin asked from the end.

"Follow it, of course," Ori shouted back.

"It would seem wise." Commented Gandalf.

Nymeria smirked under her hood. She knew the Gandalf had led them to Imladris. As they went through the winding paths of stone, Nymeria couldn't help but wonder 'what will Elrond think of me?' More importantly 'What will Estel/Aragorn think of me?' She really loved that cute little boy. She saw him at different ages, starting from when he and his mother came here after his father was slain. Nymeria would always come to Rivendell when she had time to look after him. However, when he reached 20, he went off to go with the rangers. Now it has been 7 years since Nymeria had last seen him. She hoped he would be there. Estel was like a little brother she never had.

Nymeria shook her head, scanning her surroundings.

"Imladris, the hidden valley." She breathed in awe. It was truly a sight to behold.

"The Valley of Imladris, In the common tongue, it's known by another name, Rivendell," Gandalf told the dwarves and Bilbo.

"My kin," Nymeria whispered.

"Here lies the Last Homely House East of the Sea." Gandalf Informed.

"This was your plan all along? To seek refuge with our enemy." Thorin asked.

"You have no enemies here Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will to be found in the valley is that which you bring yourself." Gandalf scolded.

"Yes, if you think that then, you are letting an Enemy in your company, Thorin Oakenshield." Nymeria shot back. Naturally, Thorin ignored her.

"You think the elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us." Thorin told him.

"Well obviously anyone with common sense and are not stubborn dwarves will try to stop you," Nymeria muttered, hoping she was not heard, but Bilbo did.

"Why?" He asked, "Why should anyone with common sense stop them?"

"Why?" Nymeria questioned in disbelief, "I'll tell you why 13 dwarves are going on a quest to reclaim their land, what could go wrong: You could die from the weather, from the diseases, from evil creatures enemies like spiders, escape a pale orc who has wargs out there to kill you. Not only will you have a price on your heads, but you also need to pass Greenwood, Silvan elves in Greenwood are not as kind as we are and to add on that Thranduil has a grudge against dwarves, we might be locked up in their dungeons. In addition, we have to pass lake town interrogation, wake a dragon, kill it before it kills us, and survive battles against hordes of orcs and goblins who will want Thorin's mountain/home too." Nymeria finished.

The Daughter of Lothlorien | L.GOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora