Chapter 15

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"Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?" Gandalf questioned, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"No one," Thorin replied.

"Who did you tell?" Gandalf thundered.

"No one, I swear." Thorin bit back, "What in Durin's name is going on?"

"You are being hunted."

"We have to get out of here." Dwalin urged.

"We can't. We have no ponies. They bolted!" Ori exclaimed.

"I'll draw them off." Said a determined Radagast.

"These are Gundabad Wargs. They will outrun you." Gandalf disagreed.

"These are Rhosgobel rabbits." Stated Radagast proudly, "I'd like to see them try." He finished off with a smirk.


*Distant howling*

Wargs were around the edge of the forest, about to go in but changed course when Radagast came bursting out of the trees. 'This was quite a scene' thought Nymeria: A pack of hungry, smelly, and disgusting wargs chasing an old man on a chariot pulled by rabbits who were hurling insults at the wargs.

"AH! COME AND GET ME!" laughed Radagast, cackling at the wargs who did not seem to be as fast as the rabbits. Anyone within a 5-mile radius could hear Radagast laughing like a madman, which Nymeria was almost quite sure he was.

As the Brown wizard drew the wargs of, Gandalf lead the company through the drylands, hiding behind rocks whenever a warg would pass by.

"Come on." He urged. Then 13 dwarves plus a half-ling and an elleth, would move at a tremendous slow pace to the next stone.

"Stay together" Was the only advice given by Gandalf.

"Come on Bilbo, if you feel tired, I could carry your bags for you." Nymeria insisted when seeing the poor hobbit slow down.

Bilbo nodded and gave his pack to Nymeria, who lifted it up and placed it on her shoulders like it was made of air. Many times, Nymeria would have to drag one of the dwarves behind a rock, afraid of being seen.

"All of you, come on. Quick!" Gandalf said as he pointed where to go.

"Where are you leading us?" Thorin questioned suspiciously. Gandalf looked at him but did not reply.

'He is smart not to' conscience number 1 told her.

'Of course, he wouldn't, Mithrandir is leading them to Imladris (Rivendell). The stubborn dwarf would disagree.'  conscience number 2 agreed.

Thorin rolled his eyes at Gandalf but decided to follow him still. As they hid behind a rock, a lone warg with his rider, climbed onto the rock and sniffed.

'Uh Oh.' Nymeria thought, 'This is going to end badly.'

Thorin gave Kili a look, Kili raised his bow to shoot the warg down, but there was another arrow already protruding from the warg's heart. The warg let out a yell, Nymeria cursed in dwarvish. All the dwarves looked at her in wonder.

"What?" Nymeria asked, "Never heard an elf woman swear before?"

She wasted no time in cutting down the Orc with her arrow.

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