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PSA this takes place a week of so after their week long training camp and the storyline will differ somewhat compared to what aftually happens in the anime.

Kageyama POV

Today is just another day. Today is just another day. Today is just another day. I take a deep inhale. No one will notice, no one will know. You can do this. I look back to my bedsheets. It's bad enough that's I'm trans and have to take hormones but I wish they'd  at least do their job.

I got my period for the first time in a few years. Why? I have no idea. I could just ditch school but I have a test today. Not that it really matters if I do take it, I'll probably fail anyways. I tried to study for it but I went into a depressive episode and couldn't bring myself to do it.

But it's worth going in way. I get to see Hinita - wait what. I meant I get to play volleyball. Yeah that's right.

I carefully take the stained sheets off my bed - chucking them into the washing machine and turning it on. Normally I'd have to wait until mum woke up so I don't wake her but since she got her new job she's never really here. Makes hiding the scars easier I guess. While I'm in the laundry I grab a fresh school uniform.

Passing through the hallway I catch a glance of myself in the mirror. I really should stop binding while I sleep but the dysphoria is just too intense for me these days.

I've somehow managed to pass well enough that no one at Karosuno knows I'm trans, we'll except for Kioko and Yachi - It was easier to let them know in case anything were to happen during volleyball practice. No one really knew in middle school but back then I didn't have to worry about my breasts and binding so much. However as amazing as testosterone shots have been for me they can't completely get rid of my dysphoria. Things like my hips and breasts are still there and while they aren't very prominent and I actually pass pretty well because of how underdeveloped I was going into hormones. That being said I'd still rather they weren't there, one less thing to not have to worry about.

I avoid anymore mirrors in my process of getting ready - I can't just waste time getting dysphoric about everything. I get dressed and head down to breakfast. Hopefully today is a good day.

There's only so much room on my arms and I can't really do volleyball wearing my jacket.

Time Skip

I hurry down to where Hinita and I meet in the mornings. The sky is a beautiful orange, it's times like this I wish I had my old art supplies. I'm a bit late so hopefully Hinita hasn't rushed ahead, I can't have him beating me again.

Hinita's POV

Kageyama's late. Again.

Honestly I wonder what keeps him so long, I'll have to ask him about it.

I don't know what it is but I've just been missing him more and more lately. Enough to the point I don't just leave early so I beat him to school.

I worry about him though. He's hard to read and often shows a brave face to mask it but sometimes he gets an aura about him that'd make you think you shot his pet puppy in front of his eyes and laughed. At least that's what Suga says. I don't imagine Kageyama ever having a puppy, he's probably a cat person. Gross.

Time skip

"Hey Hintia, sorry I'm late this morning", Kageyama says as he sprints over a little faster and leans against a wall.

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