Chapter Twenty-Eight: Threats and Warnings

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“Cesc how wonderful to see you,” Daniella greeted with a smile on her lips, her heels clicked along the floor as she walked into the lobby of her apartment building; she wasn’t surprised that he had shown up.

Cesc glared at his former fiancée wondering when she had become such a horrible person, he had come to speak to her about her false allegations against Penelope.

“What have I ever done to you Daniella to make you do this to me,” Cesc demanded pulling her to a stop so they could talk, he didn’t care if people were watching; he wanted answers for what she had done.

Daniella glared at the footballer, she knew that her actions would have consequences and she was willing to accept them if it worked and got her Lia back.

“Penny hasn’t done anything wrong… she’s innocent and you’ve had her arrested,” Cesc snapped wanting to know if Daniella even cared about what she had done; she had sent an innocent woman to prison for no reason but to spite him.

Cesc hadn’t been able to speak with his girlfriend since she had been arrested, she was in talks with her lawyer and that was all he knew; he would fit to clear her name as soon as he could.

“You know how to end this Cesc… give Lia back to me,” Daniella said staring at her former fiancé, she wasn’t going to give in and she was sure that having Penelope arrested would get her what she wanted.

Cesc shook his head, he wouldn’t give Lia back and he knew that Penelope wouldn’t want him to; it was the last thing that they have ever wanted to happen.

Daniella stared at Cesc, she was sure he would crack when Penelope called him crying about how horrible prison was; he would snap when she needed him to bail out.

“I’m warning you Daniella… drop the charges against Penny,” Cesc threatened stepping closer to her, he wanted her to know how serious all of this was; he wouldn’t let her get away with what she had done.

Daniella tutted shaking her head, she pulled away from Cesc knowing that she wasn’t going to have him threatening her; she had everything to destroy his happy ending.

“Are you threatening me?” Daniella asked staring at Cesc, she was sure that things would change when Cesc realised just how little he would be able to do to save Penelope.

Cesc gritted his teeth, he couldn’t believe that she thought that she could get away with this; he stepped back from Daniella and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

“I’m warning you drop the charges…” Cesc said trying to calm himself, he didn’t want to lash out and make things worse; he had to think about his daughter and girlfriend.

Daniella stared at Cesc as he walked away from her, she wasn’t going to change her mind and she hoped that Cesc was prepared for what would happen when she took custody of Lia back.


Penelope crossed her arms as she sat in the visitation room, she smiled a little at the sight of Cesc; she was surprised when she had heard that he had come to see her even if he was meant to be looking after Lia.

“Penny,” Cesc breathed in relief, he moved to hug his girlfriend knowing that he would do anything to get her out of prison; she didn’t deserve to be there when she had done nothing wrong.

Penelope held onto her boyfriend for a moment, she was glad that he had come even if she was curious about who he had watching Lia.

“Are you okay?” Cesc asked pulling back from his girlfriend, he hadn’t seen her in two days and he was worried that something might of happened to her; he wanted to take her home but he couldn’t.

Penelope sat down and looked at her boyfriend, she had done a lot of talking with her lawyer and she knew that she had to do something to make Daniella pay for what she had done.

“I’m good,” Penelope said nodding her head, she wished that she had more to tell him and she hadn’t done much since being arrested and held in custody.

Cesc smiled a little carefully taking Penelope’s hand, he was sure that it was only a matter of time before she was released; she had done nothing wrong and he had told the police that.

“Cesc… I’m going to sue Elie and Daniella for defamation of character,” Penelope said wanting to warn her boyfriend about what she had decided to do, she had talked things through with her lawyer and she was sure that Daniella would leak this to the press to force Cesc’s hand.

Penelope couldn’t let Daniella get away with accusing her of abduction, it was going to be a mark on her record and she couldn’t allow that to happen; she would lose so much if this got out and she did nothing.

Cesc nodded his head, he had expected Penelope to retaliate after what Daniella had done; he would stand by her no matter what she decided to do.

“I’ll do anything that I can to help you,” Cesc said knowing that he would fit not only to keep Lia but to get Penelope out of the prison that she had been sent to; he couldn’t let Daniella think that she had gotten away with this.


“What have you done?” Elie roared furiously as he stormed into the house, he had been at the office when he had gotten a visit from his lawyer; he had been shocked then horrified about what he had heard.

Daniella looked up from her magazine and stared at her former husband confused about what he was shouting about; Maria and Joseph peeked at their father as he stormed into the living room.

“You’ve had a Miss Danes arrested for abduction?” Elie stated reading the paper that he had been given by his lawyer, he had no idea who the woman was but he guessed she was something to do with Cesc.

Daniella smiled and nodded her head, she was pleased with what she had done and she was sure that Cesc would turn up soon with Lia.

“Are you out of your mind? She’s counter suing the both of us for defamation of character,” Elie snapped throwing the papers at Daniella, he didn’t care that his two children were watching; they deserved to know what a mess their mother had made of all of this.

Daniella blinked slowly, she reached for the paperwork surprised that Penelope actually had the guts to do something about this; she had never thought the brunette would do anything about being arrested.

“Fix this Daniella or I swear to God that I will cut you off,” Elie snarled furious that she had dragged him into this, this could ruin the deal that he had coming up and he wanted nothing to do with her mind games.

Maria and Joseph stared at their mother horrified that she had dragged someone innocent into this; they didn’t know Penelope but they knew that Lia hadn’t been abducted like Daniella was claiming.

“I don’t know who you are any more,” Maria whispered disgusted at what her mother had done, they had been best friends but since coming back to London, Daniella had changed and her children didn’t like it.

Maria wrapped an arm around Joseph and lead him from the room leaving Daniella alone, she couldn’t even look at her mother without feeling angry about what she had done. 

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