Chapter Twenty-Six: The Last Straw

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Cesc took a deep breath as he stood outside Daniella’s apartment, he still didn’t like coming to her home and he knew that there was nothing that he could do about it; he was still building a case to get Lia back.

It was growing close to Christmas and Cesc already knew that Daniella planned to take his daughter out of the country; they would be going to visit family and there was nothing he could do about it.

Cesc checked his watch, he had been waiting outside of the door for fifteen minutes now so that he could see Lia and still no one had let him in.

Knocking again, Cesc gritted his teeth as he thought about how much he was going through to see his daughter; he hated Daniella for making him go through this.

It was another five minutes before Daniella opened the door to Cesc, she smirked at the sight of the footballer; she had kept him waiting on purpose knowing that he wouldn’t leave.

Cesc swallowed at the sight of former fiancée, she was wearing a satin robe and little else; he knew what she was trying to do but he wasn’t falling for it.

Penelope had been his girlfriend for two and half months and Cesc couldn’t have been happier; they were going strong and he wasn’t going to allow anything to come between them.

“Hola Cesc,” Daniella purred eyeing the footballer, things with Elie had grown boring again and she was sure that her former fiancé would be interested in a secret romp.

The last few weeks had been hard on Daniella and it didn’t help that Elie refused to get over the fact that she once cheated on him with Cesc; he refused to let her done anything.

Daniella had hoped when she had gotten back together with Elie seven months ago that things would go back to normal but that clearly wasn’t going to happen.

“Daniella,” Cesc said warily, he knew that she was up to something and he had no interest in whatever she had planned; he was only there to see Lia and he wanted to make sure his daughter was okay.

Lia’s cries made Cesc’s heart beat rapidly in his chest, he pushed past Daniella who huffed as he hurried to make sure that Lia was okay; he couldn’t believe that Daniella was ignoring them.

Stepping into the nursery, Cesc wrinkled his nose in disgust as he looked around the tacky room, it was filled with expensive stuff that Lia didn’t need; he shook his head and moved to pick his screaming daughter up.

Cesc cooed as picked his daughter, he held her close and tried to calm her wondering what was wrong; he ignored Daniella as she leant against the door and watched him.

“She’s been like that all weekend,” Daniella said knowing that there was nothing wrong with Lia, she had checked the little girl herself and she wanted Cesc’s attention back on her.

Cesc pressed a kiss to the top of his daughter’s head, he frowned feeling how hot she was and he knew that it wasn’t normal; he glared at Daniella wondering how she couldn’t have noticed.

“She’s burning up… I’m going to take her to the hospital,” Cesc said sure that Daniella had pawned their daughter off on the nanny instead of looking after her; he couldn’t allow this to go on any longer.


Penelope walked into the hospital concerned, she had received a call from Cesc about him having to take Lia to the hospital and she had been so worried.

Penelope paused as she spotted Cesc sitting in a chair, he didn’t have Lia with him and she guessed that she was with a doctor right now.

Daniella was a little further down the corridor in a fur coat, she was messing with her phone looking bored out of her mind; she didn’t even look up when Penelope approached Cesc.

“Is she okay?” Penelope asked worried, she looked at her boyfriend as he moved to kiss her; she hadn’t been able to keep away and she knew that Cesc would need her right now.

Cesc kissed Penelope and held her close, he was glad that she had come since he didn’t know if he would be able to control himself; he couldn’t believe that Daniella hadn’t done anything.

Lia’s temperature had been over 38ºC, she was irritable and she had a runny nose; the doctors were worried about her, she was clearly suffering and Daniella had tried to pass it off as nothing.

“She has an ear infection… the doctor is checking her over since she’s had it for more the forty-eight hours,” Cesc said concerned, he would do anything for his daughter and he couldn’t believe that Daniella had tried to make a pass at him while their daughter was ill.

Penelope nodded her head, she wrapped her arms Cesc and tried to comfort him; she didn’t know what was going on but she had a feeling that this had been the last straw for Cesc.

“Mr Fàbregas… Ms Semaan,” the doctor called stepping into the waiting area, he had been busy all afternoon and he wasn’t in the mood to deal with warring parents and he could see the tension in the room.

Cesc walked over to the doctor dragging his girlfriend with him, Daniella didn’t even move as she continued to mess with her phone; she was sure that everything would be fine.

“Is Lia okay?” Cesc asked desperate for news about his daughter, he wrapped an arm around the doctor who nodded his head with a smile.

Penelope peeked at Daniella, she felt angry that the woman was more interested in her friends than the fact that her daughter was ill; she hoped that this would lead to Cesc taking full custody of the little girl.

“Lia has an ear infection… we’ve treated it here but she’ll need antibiotic ear drops for a couple of weeks,” the doctor said smiling at Cesc, it had been easy to treat and she would be fine in a couple of days; he was sure that Lia would be happy at home.

Daniella smiled and put her phone away, she knew that Elie wouldn’t be pleased about her leaving the apartment; she hadn’t even been able to catch a ride to the hospital with Cesc.

“Good so I can take her home,” Daniella said getting to her feet and walking over to the three, she wanted to get home and quickly; her plans for the day were ruined since Cesc hadn’t fallen for her charms and into her bed.

“Over my dead body…” Cesc spat glaring at Daniella, he wasn’t going to allow her to take Lia and he knew that she’d just pawn their daughter off to the nanny; he was furious about how she had been looking after Lia.

Daniella blinked surprised, she had never seen him so angry and she didn’t like it; she wondered where her Cesc had gone and she hoped that he wouldn’t do something stupid.

“I’m suing you for custody Daniella… I don’t care what it takes, Lia will be coming home to live with me,” Cesc snapped knowing that he would do anything to get his daughter back, he would make sure that Elie wouldn’t be able to steal her away again.

Daniella opened and closed her mouth, she hadn’t been expecting any of this and she knew that Elie wouldn’t support her this time.

Elie disliked Lia and he wanted her gone, he had only interfered the first time since he knew it would hurt Cesc but now months later he had grown bored of the needy infant that wasn’t his.

“We’ll see about that,” Daniella hissed, she wasn’t going to allow anyone to ruin things for her; she knew what she wanted out of all of this.

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