Chapter Twenty-Five: Make Things Right

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Cesc stared up at the house that the text message had led him too, he wasn’t sure who lived there but he knew that they knew something about his girlfriend.

Cesc took a deep breath and slowly moved to knock on the front door, the drive from London had been a long one and he wasn’t sure what to make of what was happening.

Cesc didn’t have to wait long before Olivia opened the door to him, she stared at the footballer sure that she had done the right thing in telling him to come.

Cesc stared at Olivia surprised for a moment before he swallowed, he knew that Penelope would have told her parents about what had happened between them.

“Mrs Danes… it’s good to see you again,” Cesc said softly, he wasn’t sure what to say and he hoped that she wouldn’t turn him away; he needed to make things right with Penelope.

Olivia stared at the footballer, she wasn’t surprised that he looked so nervous; he had done a horrible thing but she knew that he hadn’t meant it like that.

“Cesc… why don’t you come in,” Olivia said moving aside and signalling for Cesc to come in, she smiled a little and she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy but she hoped that they would be able to fix this mess.

Penelope had no idea that her mother had called Cesc and told her to come to Cornwall; she was sleeping upstairs and was completely unaware of what was happening.

Cesc slowly stepped into the house and chewed on his lip, he slowly moved into the living room where Jacob was sitting; he swallowed hoping that he could make this right.

“Have a seat Francesc,” Jacob said not liking that his wife had meddled in Penelope’s relationship, he wanted nothing more than to hurt the footballer for making his daughter cry.

Cesc sat down, he looked at the two people and he hoped that he could explain what had happened; he hadn’t meant what he said.

“Do you want to explain to us why our daughter turned up in tears?” Jacob asked briskly, he wasn’t pleased with what Cesc had done and he feared about letting him near Penelope again.

Olivia shot her husband a warning look, she didn’t want to make things worse and she wanted to ensure that this was going to be okay; Penelope loved Cesc to much for her to let him go.

“I never meant what I said… my madre ambushed me,” Cesc said trying to explain, it was far too early to talk about marriage and they had only been dating for nine weeks; it was too soon to even think about marriage but he knew that it was something he would consider down the line.

“We’ve only been dating for a few weeks, it’s too early to think about marriage,” Cesc said closing his eyes, he didn’t want to lose his girlfriend and he hoped that he could convince her to come home with him.

Olivia’s face softened, she had known that this was all down to Cesc’s mother and her dislike for the woman only grew; she didn’t know why Núria couldn’t just leave it alone.

“I need to speak with Penny… I need to make things right with her,” Cesc pleaded wanting to see his girlfriend, he had no idea how she had gotten to Cornwall but he knew that she hadn’t driven down to see her parents.

Olivia and Jacob shared a look, they weren’t sure how Penelope would react when she found out that Cesc was here; it was something that they hoped would end well.

“Make things right Cesc,” Olivia said knowing that Cesc had really hurt her daughter, she didn’t want them breaking up when they were perfect for one another.


Penelope slowly made her way downstairs for breakfast, it was quiet and she wondered where her parents had gone; she brushed her fingers through her hair as she headed for the kitchen.

Penelope felt a little better after a good night’s sleep, she didn’t know what would happen between her and Cesc but she wouldn’t be going back to London for a couple of days.

The sound of the door bell ringing made Penelope look confused, she stood in the hallway for a moment wondering who it could be; she sighed padding towards the front door opening it was the postman or something.

Penelope slowly opened the door and stared shocked at the dishevelled form of Cesc, she stared at her boyfriend wondering what he was doing outside of her parents’ home.

Cesc offered Penelope a small smile, he had a bouquet of red and white roses as well as some breakfast; he had wanted to show Penelope how sorry he was.

“I got these for you,” Cesc said hoping that she wouldn’t slam the door in his face, he swallowed nervously as he held out the flowers and gave them to Penelope; he smiled a little when she took them from him.

Penelope opened and closed her mouth, the flowers were beautiful and she couldn’t believe that he was standing before her; she had thought that he would stay in London with his mother.

“I also brought you breakfast… nutella French toast with strawberries, mini pancake kabobs and baked strawberry doughnuts,” Cesc said holding up the bag that he had brought with food, he had wanted to show her that he was serious about this.

Penelope slowly moved to allow her boyfriend inside and she couldn’t believe that he had done this; she hadn’t thought that she would end up single after what had happened.

Cesc smiled a little as he shut the door, he was sure that they would be okay; he wasn’t going to let Penelope slip through his fingers.


“You didn’t have to do all of this Cesc,” Penelope said as her boyfriend tidied away the plates after enjoying breakfast with her; she was surprised her parents had managed to stay away for so long.

Cesc grinned, he had explained everything to Penelope and apologised for what he had said; he continued to wash the dishes while she finished her breakfast.

“I did… what I did wasn’t fair to you,” Cesc replied shaking his head, he couldn’t risk losing her and he knew that he had been stupid; she was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Penelope smiled and sipped on her orange juice, she was glad that he had come to Cornwall even though he was meant to be at training; she doubted that Mourinho would be pleased that he wasn’t there.

“I was thinking we could head home later this afternoon,” Cesc said drying the dishes, he peeked back at Penelope; he wanted to get home and he wasn’t going to leave Penelope here, he wanted to make it up to her when they got home.

Penelope nodded her head, she didn’t have any reason to stay in Cornwall a little longer; she grinned as Cesc moved to kiss her and she knew they would be okay.

Cesc pulled away as he heard Penelope’s parents come home, he looked at them glad that they had given the couple some space; he smiled a little sure that they would be okay.

“Everything okay now?” Olivia asked looking between Penelope and Cesc, she had dragged Jacob out for the morning to give the couple some space to talk things through.

Penelope nodded her head, she was grateful for her mother contacting Cesc when she had; she didn’t know what would have happened if she hadn’t done so.


Author's Note:

Red Roses - I Love You

White Roses - I'm Thinking of You

Pink Roses - Admiration and Appreciation.

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