( Dilemma )

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"[Y/N].. Please don't tell me.. you've forgotten.."

The moment you snapped back into reality, you were laying against a comfy mattress as if everything had been a dream. Your senses were only just beginning to loosen up, and in time you sat up, frantically gazing around.

Where you sat in was the hospital's ward.

It was empty, and not a single soul lingered in the room. Leaving you alone in perplexion and silence.

Confused, you pressed you hand up to your face, lips quivering in displeasure. "Was that all a dream? If so, then... why am I.." You'd release a sharp gasp before reaching to grasp onto your shirt, gazing at your attire in panic. "W.. What..? I'm wearing something completely different... And in a hospital gown, to be exact... What's happening?"

A loud knock shook you to your core. There was no way you'd get up from the comforts of your bed, not after the horrors you thought were real. Gulping deeply, your expression was far from nervous. In spite of just waking up, you looked like you'd been deprived from the standard amount of rest, as well as stressed. As pale as a ghost and baggy eyes puffed up with what looked to be tears, trembling body, and weakened knees. You looked a mess.

"Hello? Miss [L/N]?" Called a voice, who opened the door. Her hands carefully handled the rims of the tray in her hands, keeping it balanced as she approached you slowly and calmly, a warm smile greeting her beautiful face.

She stopped beside your bed, the tray now being placed against the medical desk next to you. On it, was a glass of water which was halfway full, and two pills; one pink, and one blue. Carefully, she handed them towards you, and you took it from the nurse with appreciation. "Please take this, it will help speed the process of your recovery."

Doing as told, you took the glass that had also been passed to you, though glancing down to the medicine in a skeptic glance. "What's this? An advanced type of Tylenol?" The nurse's smile grew wider as she chuckled gingerly, before bringing her index finger up to her lips gently.

"Doctor's orders."

Upon her sentence, she lifted the tray and budged it below her armpit, watching as you consumed the medication at ease. Finishing your water in mere seconds, the nurse took it in her care, and then stepped away. "Thank you for your cooperation, Miss [L/N]. The doctor will be with you shortly."

You could hear her heels click after every step she made towards the door. But before she could part it open, someone else had already beat her to the touch, for a familiar pinkette with alien horns staggered back in surprise, accidentally bumping into Jiro, who was behind her.

"Ah! Hey- watch it!" Jiro would call out. Meanwhile, Ashido moved aside, blinking profusely as she stared at the woman intently. "O-Oh.. sorry about that ma'am..! Please, go ahead!" Ashido said politely, forcing a smile as the other passed them slowly, walking down the narrow hallways with no other words spoken.

Jiro gently shoved her inside, as Kaminari tilted his head beside her. "Why're ya starin' so hard at that lady?" He started moving his legs on inside, sliding the door closed behind them. You watched your classmates in surprise, unable to bring yourself to speak while the tomboy with earphone jacks gently laid a vase full of attractive flowers against your bedside desk.

Ashido reached up to rub the back of her fluffy hair, a nervous smile lingering on her lips with closed eyes. "Well.. I was just thinking... That nurse has a twin, right? I mean, If you noticed it at the receptionists' desk earlier..."

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now