( True Colors )

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"That's Uraraka's phone, isn't it Katsuki? Why do you have it??"

Brought to the very edge of the bed while Bakugou reached down to pick it up from the floor, he'd click his tongue, shortly before muttering something incoherent underneath his breath. It looked like he ignored your question entirely, and instead placed the girl's phone against his bedside desk.

"Get dressed."

He demanded, shocking you to your core. Silence wafted throughout the room. You were scared to say something. With the pulling of your undergarments and the grab of your lost clothing, you had gotten dressed without a word. It was then did you sneak another glance toward his phone. As much as these pieces fit together... you wanted to deny every possibility. There was no way he had anything to do with these sporadic murders.

Even still, your curiosity prompted you to ask.

"Please don't tell me... you.. you had something to do with this..." You'd say aloud, freezing him in place. There was no way he could ever lie to you. And after being faced with such a pained, yet terrified expression laced to your face.. it only worsened things.

To ease you, Bakugou inevitably drew himself closer to you, but you moved back on impulse, the blankets lifting as if you could use it as a shield. Your gaze demanded an honest response, and even if he hadn't told the truth, there was no logical alibi he could've used.

Lowering his head, he covered his face, breathing an tired exhale. "[Y/N]... All I wanted was for you to love me... really... I didn't think things would go this far.."

Confused as to what he was getting at, Bakugou spared you no time to speak. "Kirishima.. Uraraka... Deku.. They... They were all in the way.. yet I was the only one who understood that!" By the time he'd look up at you, you were startled by the sight of that crazed look in his dilated red eyes, trembling in his sockets madly.

"All I wanted you to do was love me."

"It's all that I wanted."

He'd suddenly continue to crawl up to you, but you shifted back instantly, until your back touched the wall. Bakugou grasped onto your arms after finding you cornered. "Please, you.. can't say no, right? We've kissed, had sex.. and..." The more he continued, the more you'd realized he'd been revealing his true colors.

He's been storing away so much psychotic intent that it's gotten into his head, for not even a second passed and he gripped onto the top of your hair, bunching up your clusters of [H/C] locks. From there, he angrily gritted his teeth together and threw you off of his bed, the blankets tossed from your petite figure. You gasped upon thudding against the floor, breathing heavily in terror.


The other spared no hesitation, climbing over you to immediately bring his fingers around your windpipe. "I can't stand it, [Y/N]... You have that same look in your eyes.. just like that damned Deku... I hate it so much.."

"I hate it."

"I hate it."

"I hate it."

"I hate it."

"I hate it."

"Please, let it go away! It's driving me insane!" He shouted at you from the top of his lungs, unknowingly using his strength to crush your neck. It was then when he repeatedly began to collide your back against the floor, trying to make the process easier so the air would be knocked out of your lungs. "Stop looking at me with those helpless eyes!"

Uncontrollable Hatred. [Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now