He was silent for a few seconds before he laughed softly. "I guess that makes us a pretty good match", he tantalized, "wouldn't you say?". You were so caught off guard by his words, you had to gulp down some fresh air before you could think again.

Then you heard his even breaths behind you. Predicting it, you managed to duck away when his arm grabbed for you. You had come to notice that he liked to attack from behind. Spinning on your heel, you kicked out your leg, trying to knock him from his feet. He had somehow seemed to have been expecting it though. Your foot hooked around his calve, but his leg didn't budge. Instead, you felt his hand hook your knee, pulling you towards him. Your balance caved in, your arms reaching out to grab his shirt to steady yourself.

You used the momentum to pull both of you to the ground, twisting in the air so that you were on top. He stifled a gasp as his back hit the road. You struggled to find foothold in order to turn him on his stomach, yet he was quicker, grabbing your arm. You pulled back, pulling him along. It was to no avail though; he forced your arms behind your back in a criss-cross order - his left hand holding your right wrist and vice versa. He pulled you closer, your shoulders screamed in pain as your arms were pulled from behind your back to the front in the opposite direction.

You suppressed a shriek of agony, clenching your jaw tightly. "You give up yet?", he asked. You looked at him, your heart stopping when you realized how close his face was and the fact that you were now sitting on his lap, immobilized. His eyes pierced yours, an unwavering boldness in them. You held his stare, both of you breathless.

You stuck out your chin. "Giving up isn't in my vocabulary", you said firmly. The edges of his lips tugged up as a sly look crossed his eyes. "Don't you know the saying, the smarter one gives in?", he mumbled and pulled at your wrists. You sucked in a sharp breath. "Actually", you mumbled, this time being the one to send him a triumphant smirk, "the saying goes that the smarter one makes the other one think he has given in". You pressed your thumbs to his wrist.

His hands jolted away, a hiss coming from between his lips. You instantly pushed yourself away, shuffling a distance away from him. "Ow, damn", he grumbled, holding his wrists. Your thumbprint was visible on his wrists. Red and pulsing, veins around the mark throbbing against his skin.

You rolled your shoulders, ignoring the pain in your hands. You frowned. It was unexpected how much of an excruciating pain Dabi's move acted out on your shoulders and shoulder blades. Being honest, you'd been close to tears and giving up.

"That's your warning", he suddenly said, motioning towards the shoulder you were holding, "don't test me again. Next time I won't be this nice". You let out a humourless laugh. "You confuse me", you muttered, "one minute you want to know how much damage I can do and the next you're belittling me".

"Heh", he half-smiled, "just testing the waters, Angelface".


You walked back in silence. The wind had picked up, becoming icier. It howled across the quiet street like the cries of a thousand ghouls. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you shivered. You weren't sure if you shivered because of the cold or because of the eeriness of it all. It made you somewhat glad you weren't walking alone.

"Stop here", Dabi mumbled. "Huh?", you asked looking back at him. He motioned towards your eyes. "You need to cover up". You sighed. You hated not being able to see anything. "Alright, I guess", you muttered, too tired to put up a fight. You walked up to Dabi and waited for him to put on the blindfold.

Pyre - (Dabi X Reader) BNHA FanficWhere stories live. Discover now