Alone or in Company

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            Fernanda had not seen the kings all day, and she wondered when or if she would. Fernanda wanted to sleep, so she tried to get some more sleep but kept looking towards the door hoping that Damon would come to say goodnight or to kill her. Fortunately she fell asleep before anything happened.

            In the middle of the night, through the darkness she woke up started from a nightmare, she could feel something was about to happen, but didn’t know what. She couldn’t fall back asleep she could just feel someone staring at her from somewhere in the room. Fernanda looked around trying to make out something then a pair of golden eyes that stared at her from the edge of her bed. She wanted to scream but all that she could manage was heavy breathing. She got up to run but immediately bumped something. She held out her hands and found that it had a really toned chest and stomach, and really strong arms. She didn’t know if to run away or not anymore, so she moved her hands up and to her expectation there was a strong jaw, a pair of soft lips. Fernanda inhaled the sweet heavenly smell coming off from the strong torso in front of her, she suddenly had the eager to kiss those lips and melt into the body.

            “I can’t believe there’s no prince charming to save this damsel in distress.” She whispered to herself, she then realized how short she was compared to this thing or person in front of her.

            “A prince I cannot promise, but what a about a king?” said a voice against her palm.

            “So it speaks, but I can hardly understand-,” she whispered. A snap of fingers was the last thing she heard before fainting into nothingness, and being caught gently by strong arms and heat beating on to her like a breeze. “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s fairest of them all?” Fernanda was half asleep and half awake, then the room filled with cold night air; there was no more heated breeze.

The room was quiet and she was about to fall back fully asleep, when she suddenly sneezed and sat up once more startled.

            “Bless you.” She jumped and a small squeak escaped the back of her throat. “Did I scare you?”

The soft light from a candle lit up the room, and she saw Damon lying next to her. She smiled sleepily at him, nodding and lying next to him.

“I’m sorry. My manners have such bad timing.” He reached over stoking her cheek softly she held his hand there a second longer enjoying the soft yet rough touch.

            “It’s ok.” With a yawn she then said, “What are you doing here?”

            Hesitating nervously he said, “umm, Just checking up on you, I haven’t seen you all day so I wanted to see you even if you were asleep.”

            “Okay. That’s sweet of you,” she said leaving a peck at his cheek and hugging him. Then cuddling in his arms, feeling safe there with him, like she could sleep the whole night for once. In the dead of the night in a room that was unfamiliar she needed safe, now more than ever.

        He chuckled a little, and kissed her head. As he was about to let her have the bed to herself, she held on to him tighter, wrapping her leg over his. “Please don’t leave” she said in almost a panicked whisper. His heart skipped a beat, he had no choice but to stay there and sleep on her bed with her legs and arms wrapped around him. She was terrified of him leaving her alone again, that she lay on top of his chest and listened to the slow, plessant beat of his heart.

              “Please don’t do that again, I would prefer you to just come and lay next to me instead of just staring at me from the end of the bed, and nearly scaring the death out of me.” she smirked.

        “What are you-?” he stopped himself, realizing that she had already fallen asleep.

        Damon was glad that she had insisted on him staying, but worried that what she was talking about was his brother. He quickly dismissed the idea when he knew she was just tired and probably had a bad dream. Just before he also fell asleep, he caught a glimpse of something moving in the balcony. He then hugged her tighter almost afraid that that movement would be Azazel coming to take her away while they slept.

            The next morning Damon woke up alone in her bed. The sun was barely out, but he could see just fine. He got up and started searching the whole room, under the bed and in the closet. He was about to run out of the room when he noticed, the only one place he hadn’t checked, the place he had seen that shadow before. Damon cautiously walked to the closed balcony door, suddenly Fernanda opened the door to the balcony with a mug in her hands.

            “Morning” smiling she said to him, but her smile faded when she saw how he looked. His hair was a wild mess, he was fully clothed but it was all wrinkled and messy, his eyes wide with a crazy sense to them, he looked as if he had just seen a ghost. “Are you alright?”

            “I’m fine. I thought – I just – I-” he tried to find the right words to explain what he was doing, but he kept tripping over his own words. She had never seen him like this, he was usually so smooth with his words like he always knew what to say next. Damon finally gave up trying to explain to her, and sat down in the bed rubbing his eyes trying to calm himself. 

            “It’s ok, I think I understand… Here, you need this more than I do.” She said sitting on his lap and handing him the mug. He drank down the boiling hot coffee from the mug and sat it down on the table.

“Hot.” He said as he turned back to her, her wide eyes looking at him questioningly. Damon chuckled slightly nervously and kissed her, but with a slight tremble in his lips. She slid down onto the bed, pulling him over her. As they kissed, she wrapped her legs around him and undid his shirt. "You do know I meant the coffee, right?"

She slowly pulled it off as he made his way up her night gown, taking off her panties, and rubbing her. She whimpered at how cold his hand was but still enjoyed it. She then kissed his jaw, and the sweet spot on his neck, making him moan. They both wanted to and once they were completely naked, they did.

Loud moaning, the bed banging against the wall, the yells that escaped her lips, the growls that he made, his name being moaned out loud and the sharp hisses of pain that he made all echoed through the room and out into the hallway.

After about an hour or so, all was quiet except for the heavy breathing that came from her lips; he was a vampire and he didn’t really get tired, but it was still one of the best he has ever had so the electric feeling still lingered in him. They lay there in bed, both unable to move. The sheets soaked with sweat and some of his blood. Damon’s back was healing with a low hiss, while Fernanda was calming her racing heart.

“Wow,” was all she said after catching her breath and opening her eyes to see that he was looking at her. She then scooted closer to Damon and he wrapped an arm around her in a protective manner.

“Wow indeed.” He said chuckling and pulling a light blanket over them. Fernanda scooted closer over to him and made herself small to be cradled by his arm. They both stayed there in the calming silence of the room.

Until a slight quiet noise made Damon feel alert. She couldn't hear it, it was too quiet for her human ears to direct. But Damon knew exactly what it was...

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