Dinner Fit for a King

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A few hours later, she woke up alone in bed. Fernanda would have thought that she was dreaming if she wasn't still in that bed, with the chandelier hanging over her head. In the nightstand next to her there was a written note from Damon: Join me for dinner at 8. The guard will escort you there. -Damon. She was excited, yet nervous. Sure she would love to go to dinner with the king, but she knew she could never really be with him, he deserved better than a simple human like her.

With a sigh, Fernanda looked around the room; it was a large room, decorated in white and soft gold furniture. When she found the bathroom, she noticed it had the same colors as the room, but had more gold and warm colors. She cleaned herself, and looked for a dress in the closet. It was about the same size as the bathroom, which was big for a closet. She looked thought all the dresses, she guessed he would have these dresses for all the women he had over. Fernanda couldn't find one that looked comfortable, so she went with one that would please men, to say the least. She then remembered her sister, and how they fought over what Fernanda would wear. Constance was just trying to protect her sister. A pang of sadness hit her like a bullet to the chest, but that gave her the push she needed to go through with the king.

The dinner was just a few hours away just enough time to make any changes. But knowing she only needed 20 minutes. 10 to shower and dry, 3 to change, 2 for her makeup, and 5 to do her hair, after that there is no changing anything. Having only a few minutes before she left, she decided to roam around the room. Didn't find anything out of the ordinary; casual clothing in the draws, some paper and pens at the desk, and some books in the mini shelf next to the bed. Nothing was out of the ordinary, until she found what looked like a wine cooler, filled with pints of blood; but that would be just normal to a vampire.


When the time came, she walked out of the room, and the guard immediately knew that she was ready, she didn't even have to udder the phrase. Fernanda followed him down the corridor to an elevator at the end. The hallways were beautifully decorated with paintings from different artists throughout the ages, and pots of differing plants. Whoever had decorated the castle had a wonderful point of view in her opinion.

When she arrived at the first floor, she noticed that no one was there, only a couple of maids rushing out of what looked like the dining hall, and what looked like guards. It was practically deserted, she whispered to the clouded window, "Oh goodie, no witnesses." The guard barely chucked as he open the door for her. She nervously entered, avoiding the guard's eyes as she passed him.

As soon as she was inside, she saw him standing by their seats waiting for her. Damon looked majestic and royal, yet still modern and young looking. She wondered how old he was for a second, but immediately dismissed the thought not wanting to offend him. He helped her to her seat, and she sat happily as he pushed her in, smiling like half an idiot, half a beauty queen.

"You look ravishing tonight, my dear." He said as he took his seat next to her.

"Thank you. You don't look half bad yourself," she replied. She then snapped out of it and realized what she had said. Wide eyed and gaping mouth wanting to apologize, "I--" She stopped when she heard him chuckle, and just like that she was back at staring at him numbly. She suddenly remembered what had happened the night before, and was so caught up in the moment to realize that their diner had arrived at their table; which was beautifully decorated.

"I hope you like what I had served. I don't know exactly what your likings are...yet" he added as an afterthought.

She laughed softly, "Well as long as I'm here, anything will do."

They laughed, talked at random, and ate for a while longer. Then Damon asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, of course." She said a little too quickly.

My Opposite ReflectionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ