"Are You Feeling Okay, Macca?" (2)

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Alright, this one was also requested by @Sam-a-lama-ding-dong. I hope you'll like it!

They had finally done it! They were going to America! In fact, the Fab Four were on the airplane that would lead them to their presently unknown success now. To say that they were excited would be an understatement, for all four of them were practically beaming, well, almost all four of them.

One Beatle, in particular, was excited, don't get him wrong, but he wasn't feeling at all the best. Just like last year in November of 1963, his stomach was killing him and he had chills forming all over his body. Not to mention, he was aching like insanity. But, he wasn't going to complain, after all, he was a McCartney, plus he wasn't going to spoil everyone else's party.

"Can you believe it, Paul? We've finally done it!" George exclaimed happily as he chewed on yet another Jelly Baby, savoring their taste for reasons you can probably guess.

"I know! It's gear!" Paul smiled weakly, trying not to wince at his stomach cramping and churning. George did happen to notice a bead of sweat gathering on Paul's pale forehead, though, and that was enough for him to get a little concerned.

"Are you feeling okay, Macca? Is something the matter?" he inquired gently.

"Nah! I'm good! I'm just so excited!" Paul lied smartly as he caught a quick glimpse of John and Ringo, who were sitting in seats across the aisle, both of them reading.

"Alright, if you say so," George replied, sticking another Jelly Baby in his mouth as he eyed the bassist incredulously for a moment before deciding to forget about Paul's brief weirdness. I mean, Paul could be a bit 'moody' at times.

Meanwhile, there were four kids also travelling on the plane bound for America. Their names, as you may recognize from other stories, were Meg, Sam, Calvin, and Charles Wallace and they were huge fans of The Beatles, but they had never had a chance to meet them. Now, as Meg thought, was their chance to do so.

"Guys," she whispered, "we should go over there and say something to them! I mean, when are we gonna have another chance? They're right in front of us!"

"Meg's right," Charles Wallace agreed. "When are we possibly going to have another chance?" he said, to which the other three nodded.

"Alright, let's do it!" Sam declared, as the four kids hopped up from their seats in pursuit of their musical idols.

"I'm nervous," Calvin sighed.

"Don't be! I'm sure they're nice!" Meg comforted.

"Yeah, you're right," Calvin replied, but he still didn't feel any less apprehensive.

Before they knew it, the kids had made it over to John and Ringo's seats, the latter two now looking up from their books to stare and wonder at these four children, who seemed quite confident.

"Hello! What can we do for you?" Ringo asked them kindly.

"We were just wondering if we could talk to you for a minute," Meg started, failing to hide her blush, "we're such big fans."

"Oh, sure!" Ringo smiled as he looked at John, who didn't exactly look pleased with his friend's decision, for he was perfectly content reading, not socializing, but that was part of the job, unfortunately.

"Yes, that sounds lovely," Lennon replied, sarcasm tugging at his speech, but the kids didn't notice.

"Great!" Sam cheered as they began to tell their names and such.

Back at Paul and George's seats, the poor bassist was beginning to feel worse and worse. At this point, he was afraid he was going to vomit.

"Uh, George," he moaned in a woozy tone. "I don't feel so good," he continued, instantly chiding himself for breaking his previous charade.

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