I hesitantly put one of my hands on her shoulder. She looked up, looking pretty shocked from the sudden touch, but I kept my hand there.

"If you're nervous (L/n)-chan, I could help you. We could study together and we can learn techniques to stay calm during the test." I shaped my other hand into a fist to show my determination.

She looked at me wide eyed for a second and shrugged my hand off of her. "No n-no. You don't have to. You're super smart, but I'm sure you have your own things to work on and I don't want to hold you back from that."

I smiled at her, trying to stop myself from stuttering and becoming flustered. "Seriously. Let's set up a time where we could do that. Okay?"

She kept her eyes on me for a few more moments. Her gaze burning into mine. It was hard not to turn away in embarrassment, but I didn't.

She still seemed hesitant, probably thinking that she going to bug me, but she nodded nonetheless.

"If you're sure." She said.

"Great!" I assured. "Class is about to start again but we can talk about a time and place later." She nodded once again.

We headed back to our respective seats as class started. I was surprised by the amount of confidence I had talking to her since I usually get all flustered. Though I was glad that she agreed to study with me. I really enjoy the time we had spent outside of class together.

Even so, as I settled back in my desk and remembered everything I said, my face started to glow in a uncontrollable red as all the confidence I had drained from my system.

Hiding my face in my arms to try to shield myself, I tried to listen to what my next teacher was saying despite the thoughts and insecurities spinning around my head as I thought of the (h/c) headed girl.


We had finished all our morning classes and it was finally time for lunch, I went to where Iida and Uraraka were and we engaged in light conversation as we made our way down the hall.

As we were walking to the cafeteria, we saw Todoroki just ahead of us. The unusual thing was that he was alone. He always walked and ate with (L/n)-chan, so why wasn't she with him?

"Hey Todoroki!" I called out. He turned to look in our direction and I ushered him towards us. He walked along our side and gave a greeting of his own.

We weren't crazy close yet, but with the events of the sports festival and the stain incident, we definitely grew closer.

"Hello Todoroki." Iida greeted. "Where is (L/n)? Don't you usually accompany her to lunch?" He asked, catching on to the same thing I noticed.

"She was asking the teacher about something on the assignment we had. She told me that she would meet me at our table." He replied.

"Oh! Then why don't you sit with us?" Uraraka asked, both me and Iida nodded in agreement.

"Well I usually sit with (Y/n)." He said.

"She can join us too." Uraraka bubbled.

"If you guys are okay with that." He hesitated and we nodded in agreement.

We continued our journey to the cafeteria with Todoroki.

Once we all got food and sat down, we talked again. We saw (L/n)-chan enter and look around. Todoroki got her attention and motioned her forward.

"Strange to see you here." She said, a little confused as she arrived at our table. She sat down as well and joined in on our table talk. Though, she was mostly talking to Todoroki.

I continued to chat and eat my food, but all of a sudden I was hit over the head. When I looked up, I saw a student from class 1b, Monoma.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" I heard (L/n)-chan shout from behind me.

"Oops, sorry. Your head was to big. I accidentally hit it." He shrugged. "By the way, I heard you met the hero killer. Just like in the sports festival you guys in class A are getting all the attention."

He continued to rant until another student from his class came by, I think her name was Kendo. She hit her hand across his neck and knocked Monoma out.

She apologized to us on his behalf and told us something interesting.

"I heard that the practical exam is just going to be fighting the same robots from the entrance exam."

If so. That would be pretty easy. Of course, I wasn't able to even take one down from the exam, but with my training I'm sure I could.

I let my mumbling habit take control. Monoma said something else and Kendo dragged him away, but I continued to mumble all the possibilities with the test and not really pay.

I was broken out of my trance when (L/n)-chan placed her hand upon mine.

For the third time today, my face heated up. Though, once she noticed what she was doing, she retracted that hand.

"You good?" She asked and I nodded.

We continued on to our lunch from there and when we got back to our class, we informed everyone about the information Kendo gave us.

Everyone seemed pretty happy from that, but before I could join in on the conversation, (L/n)-chan walked up to me.

"If you're are still fine with it, when do you think we should meet up?" She asked.

I smiled at her presence. "Well I was thinking over the weekend again so we could have the most time to study."

"Yeah, that's okay. So should we meet at your place or mine?" She questioned.

"Whichever ones fine with you." I told her.

After I said that, she seemed to shift awkwardly and look down at the ground. It was obvious she was trying to say something. I was curious on what she was about to going to say.

"Well....... do you think we could do it at your place? It's just that.... your mom was really nice and... I really like her cooking." She looked up with a timid look.

'Cute!!!!!' I couldn't help but think as she looked so flustered.

I nodded vigorously. "Of course! My mom would really enjoy that." I stated and she looked pretty happy.

"Awesome! I can't wait." She beamed.

"Same here." I replied and we went back to our school work. I hoped that our meeting would go well.


They can be about my story or just personal questions. I'll do it if I get enough questions.
Anyway, stay safe, wash your hands and as always thanks for reading!

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