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I see the beauty in everything but me.

(L/n) (y/n) was a girl of undiluted wishes.

With paper skin that she permits anyone to cut through, and ribs unworthy to protect the diamond heart she possessed. Her lungs are papier-mâché crafted not for the air of toxicity she allows herself to inhale. Her eyes have seen the way masterpieces were dissembled.

Sangria-spotted, carmine-dripping body with segmented wires to decorate her joints - signs of thrashing about evident on the peripheries: a crestfallen marionette. These are the results of choosing to leave the life she had been borned to become accustomed with.

As a former mafia member, she understood well the consequences of her arrival in the agency, and that it might as well take a while for them to adjust to her presence.

But she figured that Dazai must have said something that had caused them to avoid her profusely.

With a girl a violent murderer of four hundred and ninety-seven people, it wasn't quite questionable.

In silence, she observed as he yet again decided to create upheaval in means of testing the waters of Kunikida's patience. He whined abhorrently, taking no consideration to those who had yet to finish their documents, and a few of his included.

"Come on, Kunikida~. Thirty minutes will do and I'll be back before you know it."

"Because I'll be dragging you back here from another one of your fruitless drowning attempts? Not a chance."

"But it's boring here!" He complained, then pouted. "Besides, I have to buy the stuff I need for my next suicide technique."

"Do your work, you counterproductive simpleton!"

Promptly, she aligned and stacked up all her amalgamated reports for the day. She compiled the rest on a neat, beige folder, and in an effort to appear more welcoming and friendly, she offered with a smile,

"I'm available right now. I can buy your necessities, Dazai."

The atmosphere turned opposite rather abruptly, and she knew she made the wrong decision of talking. Kunikida halted his progress on his current report the moment she spoke, and Dazai's obnoxious expression dropped. She realized she was still considered a menace to the group.

"Oh..." Dazai started, recovering a smile that didn't reach up to his eyes, "don't you have anything else to finish?"

"Actually, she has." Suddenly, Kunikida picked the files on his desk and settled them on hers. "Turn them in no later than five in the evening."

"O-oh..." she gave glances to him and the files. She knew it was a given excuse to keep her busy instead of making contact with them, and she was more than willing to accept it, however it was impossible for her to submit before five, "isn't this a bit too much?"

"Are you complaining?"

"Not really." She looked down in submission.

"Great. Then begin with it."

She pursed her lips, and reluctantly, began with reading the files. She observed as Dazai yet again risked Kunikida's patience, and in silence, she pondered if she would ever get the chance of gaining their trust. But her sangria-spotted, carmine-dripping body gave a warning sign that the devil had once managed her ill-willed mind. She was never forgiven by her victims.

But she was someone with the drastic will to change: a girl of undiluted wishes.

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