
Aman didn't know it was possible to dream of aromas. But there was no way that the scent of parathas floating to his room wasn't a dream. After all, it had been years since his mother had been able to stand and cook. And although Aman knew his way around the kitchen, parathas were one dish that he was unable to master.

So the scent had to be a dream. Then he heard a child's excited voice. Now he knew it was a dream. There were no children in his apartment.

Wait...Aman's eyes flew open. That was Aarav. How had he forgotten that Anjali Ji and Aarav had come over last night? Was she making breakfast?

Without thinking, he flung his blankets off and ran out to check. As he burst into the kitchen, everyone inside froze and turned to look at him with shocked expressions. "Ma'am," he said as he hurriedly strode up to her and took the rolling pin from her hand. "You shouldn't be doing this. You're my boss and my guest."

"Aman," his mother interrupted. "Go put on some clothes."

Aarav giggled and Aman turned red as he realized he was standing in front of Anjali Ji in nothing but a pair of boxers.

"Well look at the bright side," Anjali teased. "If you can come in front of your boss in this state, then you can certainly eat her breakfast." She took back the rolling pin from him, biting back her giggles as the poor flustered man ran out of the kitchen.

It crossed her mind briefly that Aman was more buff than he appeared to be under those suits he always wore. Then she shook the thought out of her head and returned to her task.


"The shipment deliveries were confirmed on December 29th, Bhai. I forwarded the email to Aman; but our worker there hasn't had a chance to check the materials yet because of New Year's."

"When will it happen, Akash?" Arnav said.


"Alright, make sure it won't be delayed any longer."

"Of course. Bhai, I think we should arrange two meetings before we go: one with the models and one with the other ASR employees before we go, just to go over expectations and appropriate behavior while we're abroad."

"Good idea, Akash. Make a note of that."

The two of them continued working in that vein for a while. Finally, Akash steeled his nerves and broached the topic that had been on his mind for days.



"Do you know how Dadiji is insisting that you get married before me?"

Arnav frowned. "Yes?"

"Do you...what I mean is...

"Don't worry, Akash. I'll talk to Naniji. She'll change her mind."

"But Bhai--"

"Can we get back to work, Akash? There's still a lot to do." At Akash's crestfallen expression, Arnav softened. "Look, trust me, okay? I won't get in the way of your happiness."

"But Bhai, what about your happiness?"

"I'm fine, Akash. Now come on, let's get back to work."


NK stretched leisurely as he strode out of his apartment. He'd slept in and was now going out for a jog. He grinned as he spotted his favorite police officer coming down the hallway.

"Hey, Lavanya!"

She scowled at him. "Officer Kashyup."

"That's a little too formal for friends, isn't it?"

Intertwined Fates -- An IPKKND FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now