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Margot has become an independent and strong woman, after a wild youth full of parties and summer loves, fake friendships and greater enemies, she finally decided that it was time to settle down, time to start caring about her health and body more than on parties and hangovers that gave her those horrific eye circles she finally got rid of, she was over with all that stuff, she was a completely normal girl or might we say woman now?

After hitting her 25 birthday she decided to suddenly grow up, a brunette with long smooth wavy hair, her eyes were brown, normal height, she had been working out lately so she gained a well deserved booty and Mother Nature already blessed her with a decent breast size, so overall she wasn't ugly, indeed she was beautiful, was she a Victoria's Secret model ? No!, let's be honest, she has a beautiful face with those big brown eyes, cute small nose and medium size lips, her skin smooth and always sun kissed, an average nice curvy figure, she wasn't what people call " fat " nowadays but she was not an skinny model .. for that she just loved food too much and she was proud of it, YOLO was indeed her motto, a few stretch marks here and there and that's all there is to say about her appearance, that's why she was triggered the most of getting the man she got two years later ...

After changing her living habits and indeed turning into a more responsible and grown woman, she finally got a decent job and a cute spacious apartment, life was good for the moment but more had to come.

On her 26 birthday she had the first encounter with the man who would become hers a year later, let's keep saying life was good to her so she decided this time she would organize her own party, she invited a few friends and since she got rid of all those fake people as well she was left with 5 or 6 really good friends so she decided to invite coworkers who's presence she really enjoyed, the only male coworker didn't want to be the only male who didn't know anyone else besides the birthday girl so he asked for permission to bring a friend of his.

Everyone was already drinking and dancing, those people weren't shy ones, Margot was a open minded person with a fun and free spirit, but her male coworker James still hadn't arrived and to be honest she forgot about him because she was having too much of a good time , but then the bell ringed and she knew who it was.
It was James and beside him there he was ... a freaking tall and beautiful man, a freaking model, no.. a freaking angel?
Lets describe him, but there are no words that can describe his beauty... he was wearing the most basic clothes and it didn't take away even a bit of his beauty and the perfect body he has, strong chest and arms oh so were his legs, perfect sculpted and toned body, he was at least 1,98cm tall, long silky black hair they looked so natural black, shiny and smooth, strong beautifully shaped eyebrows, his eyes were the most beautiful bright and at the same time deep blue, a long oh so perfect shaped nose and those full lips inside of a just perfect face !
That was the first impression Margot had, she almost fainted and that was the same reaction every woman had in the party after seeing that man.

It was a very long night everybody were having fun and after the two men arrived it only got better to say the least, women had a target, so the ice was broken between everybody. Everybody including Margot wanted a piece of the new guy, his name was Kai by the way and at some point of the night all the flirty girls got so thirsty that other males got annoyed and even Margot got tired and disgusted, it was time to end the party anyways, before somebody had to make a walk of shame or better name it a walk of rape ... poor guy she thought ... she herself got to talk to him a few times but he wasn't the most talkative person in the world anyways and on top of that he was kind of intimidating, so she didn't eat his ear like every other girl did.
After that day she didn't see him again after like 2 months when her coworker James invited her to his 32 birthday and Kai of course was one of the guests too, this was the night when they got closer, Kai and Margot had the time to freely talk to each other, he even took the first step telling her that he would've loved talk to her more on her birthday but he was really tired of all those woman's attacking him that night and it was kind of overwhelming.

Kai and Margot had a real good talk that night, got closer and they got interested in each other but they took it slow very slow, a cute date here and there, few encounters to drink a coffee together, oh so a few drinks here and there, but the real talk came another 5 months later when they consumed their lust that day... Kai invited her for the first time to his apartment, they watched a movie together, but two beautiful creatures on a couch, a girl with the hottest man right by her side, that couldn't end just in watching a movie .. they watched about 20 minutes of the movie, after that they spent several hours making love to each other and in the morning, when she got up besides him to get ready for work with the last bit of strength she had because he took her good the whole night .. he was as strong as he looked , he held her by her arm and pulled her naked frame back on his body and asked " are we together now? Because I'd love to", and she stared in his sexy half closed eyes and his pretty black eyelashes, how every word came out of the mouth that had kissed her so passionately all over her body that night and the man that still intimidated her in some ways with his dark but romantic aura and answered " hell yeah" with completely red cheeks, smiling like a stupid little girl in love, how cute she was is everything what he thought giving her an amused little chuckle. It was the best sex she had ever had and her heart was pounding so hard that it almost exploded. But she was happy.

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