The Meeting...

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Nicole Pov

I wake up at 5:30am exhausted, I have a hot shower and change into jeans, a long sleeved shirt & black converses. I brush my hair an grab my phone, its 6:13am so I have plenty of time. I bite my lip as I walk to the hospital room where Cameron is, I open the door and felt like vomiting as I witness Tiffany curled up against Cameron's side kissing his neck as he slept.

"Kinda creepy, don't you think?" I ask amused fully away of the cameras in the room, she jumps up with wide eyes "Alpha!, I didn't- I" I cut her off "please leave the room, I'll have a word with you when I get back from an important meeting, I was just coming to check on Cameron" I said sternly, she nods rushing out of the room.

"She's gone" I said once the door shut "I feel so used" He says disgusted wiping his neck as he sat up "ha yeah you probably would, how are you feeling?" I ask sitting in front of him "better, where are you going?" He asks frowning "It's classified, when I get back I'll come see how your going" I said standing up.

He grabs my wrist an pulls me down onto his lap in his warm arms "so last night, was that a pity kiss?" He asks sadly, I turn in his lap to meet his eyes "no, don't ever think that!" I said softly, cupping his face in my hands and softly kissing his warm lips, we pull away and he lets me stand up "I'll be back soon, ok?" I said smiling, he nods and I kiss his cheek before leaving.


I reach the mall just when the clock hits 7am, I walk around keeping an eye out for anyone suspicious "hello Nicole" I turn to see "Uncle Jeff?, what do you want?" I ask glaring hatefully at him "ok so I'm a dick but I am your only family left" He says grinning wickedly "yeah cause ain't no bitch stupid enough to marry you, how does it feel being a 38 year old virgin?" I ask smirking at him.

"You little bitch!, your lucky I can't kill you, maybe I should let them kill that boy of yours" He snarls angrily at me, I narrow my eyes "who?" I ask coldly "go before they get there, I'll see you soon" He says smirking before leaving. I wasted no time running back to my car and speeding back to the pack house.

I run inside not even locking my car, I ran to Cameron's room and opened the door, he lay silently sleeping and I sigh in relief before walking into the room and shutting the door. I sit on a chair and watch him because I'm a creep "stop staring" He mumbles tiredly as his eyes stayed shut "I didn't want to wake you up" I said softly.

"So you decided to watch me sleep" He says amused, his eyes open and look directly at me "yep" I said popping the 'p'. He chuckles as I crawl onto the bed and curl up into his side "are you ok?" He asks softly "no, but don't worry about it, I'll tell you later" I said mumbling against his chest "you'd better" He says before I drift of into a deep sleep...

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