Chapter 3: Starting School

Start from the beginning

Raka thought that it would be classified as a town rather than a village at this size. 

He gobbled up an apple when he felt hungry while keeping up the walk. Every couple of hours he would come find the food shop and beg for an apple. He found the shop lady quite friendly and she would smile every time he came. After a while he tried other food words he learnt as well. She had laughed at his attempts and then invited him in the shop, pointing at things and trying to make him say their names. 

When he felt tired, Raka sat down besides the road for bit and then continued again. 

After another 8 hours…


You have grown up. Your age is now 3

Language of Ilmentia Island: 60%

The residents of Ilmentia Island will now help in your learning and teach you simple words.


‘The residents will help?! Something like that shop lady was doing before. But I just had this message now, so before she was helping based on our friendship, I guess.’

Raka walked towards the shop on the side, which looked like a blacksmith, run by a middle aged thickset man with bulging muscles. He did not know what to say, so he simply greeted him. The man said ‘Hello’ and then followed it by some gibberish. He thought he heard ‘you’ and ‘want’ in what he spoke. 

‘Now how do I answer him?’

He thought for a bit and then said ‘help’ pointing at his mouth and then pointing at different things in the shop. 

‘Would he understand?’ Just in case he took out an apple and pointing to it said ‘apple’ and then pointed at a hammer looking like he was asking a question.

The man seemed annoyed and then said loudly “Hammer”.


Language of Ilmentia Island: 60.1%


“Hammer”, repeated Raka.


Language of Ilmentia Island: 60.15%


Raka decided that before he gets angry he better ask a couple more and leave so he simply pointed at an armored vest. The man was making quite a face now, but he still replied, “Iron Armor”.


Language of Ilmentia Island: 60.2%


Raka bowed and left.

He was soon stopping by every shop trying to ask the residents as much as he can about the stuff inside. Armor, leather, wood, food, weapons, clothes, knick knacks, and other things. He asked for as many item names he could manage without making them angry. His food shop lady though, helped him a lot. He simply repeated as many names as he learned earning a bit of extra experience. And he continued listening to others as he walked.


Soon he noticed people leaving the library, so he logged out for a bit and checked the forums. He expected if anyone found something, it would be end up in the forums for sure. After all, so many people were in the library. It was hard to hide anything. 

Sure enough, there was this post explaining the trap door and the hidden room within. Within a few minutes another person posted that picture books were the key. And then the landslide of posts began.

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