10- Teach Me How to Witch

Start from the beginning

"But you've never let me draw the circle." 

"I know, but I think you're ready. You've watched me do it enough times now." She said forming a stick in her hand. He took it from her, taking a deep breath as he stared at the fresh soil in front of them.

"Ok, but whatever we conjure tonight might not come out right." He laughed as he began drawing the circle in the soil. 

"I don't think we'll have any problems conjuring anything tonight. That circle is perfect." She smiled and he blushed setting the stick down and standing up.

"Well I do have a good teacher, so what are we conjuring tonight?" 

"Hmm, you're getting really good at conjuring so I think we'll try something a bit harder tonight. I'd like you to conjure the spirit of your grandfather, Daemon VonUmbra." She said and his heart thumped in his chest. He can't call his grandfather, what would he say to him?

He's watched Reyna call Rhiannon a few times and they have such a great relationship with each other, she was so proud of her for calling a demon, especially a VonUmbra to be her familiar. Will his grandfather feel the same way?

"Rey, I don't know if I can do that." He said shaking his head and she placed her hand on his arm.

"You can do it, I'll be right here helping you channel just like you do with me."

"It's not that, I just don't know if he'll be....proud of me. I haven't been the best VonUmbra since he passed away." He said and Reyna nodded her head.

"That's why I picked him, Kova. Being a witch, especially a DiEdaan, means we have to accept ourselves, faults and all, in order to accept the power from the universe within us. The only way you'll know how your grandfather feels, is if you conjure him." She explained and he sighed nodding his head.

"Okay, alright. I'll try."

He and Reyna stood in front of the circle he created, Reyna took his hand and nodded to him. He took a deep breath and began chanting the spell to conjure the spirits. The moon seemed to grow even brighter and the circle before them began to glow.

Reyna began to chant the spell with him, helping to channel his power and guide Daemon to them. Slowly a pair of black horns began to emerge from the circle. Daemon's enormous demon form emerged from the circle before them.

"Lucian! I've been waiting for you to conjure your old grandpa. What took you so long?" Daemon smiled down at the young demon.

"I haven't been ready to face you, but Reyna seems to think I am." He said looking down at his feet afraid to meet his eyes. Daemon nodded and smiled at Reyna next to him.

"Rhiannon told me you have been chosen to be a familiar but she wouldn't tell me who the lucky witch was and now it all makes sense." He smiled and Reyna bowed her head.

"It's so good to see you again, Daemon." She smiled.

"And you too little Reyna," he smiled turning back to Lucian, "now look at me Lucian, why would you be afraid to see me?" Daemon asked as he slowly lifted his eyes to look at his grandfather. He let his demon form burst through and Daemon smiled even brighter.

"I...I haven't been the best VonUmbra, I'm not as strong as you were." He said and Daemon laughed shaking his head.

"But look at you, you've grown so much, it's like looking in a mirror," he smiled, "you are strong, you must be if a DiEdaan has chosen you as her familiar." He said making him blush.

"But I've been so selfish, I started to turn my back on everything you and father taught me. I nearly got Reyna killed, all for my reputation." He said and Daemon smiled nodding his head.

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