Chapter 25: "Popular?"

Start from the beginning

"Thank you." she squealed, placing a kiss on his cheek, not wanting to distract him too much.

They had arrived at the garage, so he parked the car, took her suitcase, and went up. They arrived in front of the apartment door and Sally opened the door.

"Annabeth! It's so nice seeing you!" she ushered her in.

"Told you she loves you more than me." Percy joked, putting the luggage in his room.

"He's such a jealous boy," Sally told her, presenting a plate of cookies, just when Percy was back from his bedroom.

"You made cookies!" he jumped in excitement, like a little boy on Christmas's day, taking one and shoving it in his mouth.

Annabeth smacked his hand. "Percy! Where are your manners?" she scolded, eating one delicately.

"I'm still trying to find them." Sally joked, looking at his son with affection. Percy was, in fact, quite a gentleman, except when his mother's cookies were concerned. "Hopefully, now you're here, he will try to behave better."

Percy pouted and did the mature thing to do, sticking out his tongue at them. They both laughed at his childishness.

The next week was the first day of school. Annabeth wanted to be early and Percy brought her to school, although as soon as she saw the building, Annabeth left, letting Percy park the car. She went to pick her schedule and locker number up and a girl who saw she was new, named Sarah, helped her find her locker and found they had the exact same schedule.

Annabeth was putting her things in her locker, which was not so far away from her new friends. Sarah came to see her and pointed to a group that was approaching. Annabeth caught a glimpse of their conversation.

"So, Percy, the only day in the year you are on time. Whatever happened?" one of the guys, a tall brown-haired and brown eyes man, said. She turned, hearing her boyfriend's name and saw him in the center of a group, grinning happily.

Sarah stepped next to her and whispered. "That's Perseus Jackson, though he hates his name and goes by Percy. He's the captain of the swim team. Since he arrived, Goode High wins every competition. His coach wants him to do the Junior Olympics, but he isn't sure. He's so nice and handsome. Every girl in school has a crush on him. He's like the most popular guy in the whole school and his group."

Annabeth found it very funny that Sarah, who didn't know him well at all was explaining to her, his girlfriend and probably the person who knew him the best, what he was like.

"Popular?" she asked disbelief. She had never imagined Percy would be popular. He was quite a star at Camp Half-Blood, but in school, he always had some problem mixing in.

"Of course! I mean, have you seen him? He's in our PE class, wait till you see him running or even better in a swimsuit! He's so dreamy." Sarah fangirled.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" Annabeth asked, getting interested in 'school Percy'.

"He says so, but nobody believes him. All the girls are always trying to have a date with him, but he refuses every time."

Suddenly, the bell rang and Sarah Grabbed his wrist and ran to their homeroom. Percy spotted her blond hair and one of his friends, William saw him stare.

"She's new. Annabeth is her name. Beautiful, isn't she?" he laughed, and Percy felt his heart clench, jealousy hitting him hard.

"Yeah," he answered not meeting his friend's eyes, as his heartbeat sped up like every time he saw her.

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