Brandon and Stacy stood up with me and we all dumped the rest of our lunch in the bin and left the cafeteria.

“Let’s go to the oval?” Brandon suggested and I scrunched up my nose.

“Do we have to?” I didn’t like the oval. It was always noisy and there was absolutely no shade that would protect me from the glare of the harsh sun.

“Yeah,” Brandon grabbed my hand “come on.”

“Why?” I whined, as I was being dragged along.

“I want to show you something!”

Grumbling, I reluctantly followed him, stopping when we reached the bleachers.

There was a row of people, all with letters written on a piece of card, hung from their back.

I wrinkled my nose up and looked at Brandon.

He smiled at me. “Read the message!”

Message? What message?

Looking back, I saw that each letter spelled out a word which formed a sentence.

Will you go to prom with me?

I turned to Brandon and smiled hugely.

“YES!” I squealed and jumped into his arms.

He laughed as the people who were spelling out the words turned and threw flower petals over our heads.

“Of course I want to go to prom with you!” I smiled at him and he leaned down to kiss me.

“Thanks babe. I cannot wait!”

I turned back and looked at the people who were still throwing flower petals at us and turned back to Brandon. “You organised this?”

Brandon nodded. “And Stacy helped.”

I instantly felt bad for doubting her in the first place. Both of them.

“Thank you!” I smiled, hugging Brandon. “That is so sweet!”

Brandon smiled bashfully. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you said yes.”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just…you know….”

“No I don’t.”

“You and Cole…”

“EW!” I exclaimed “why is everyone pairing me up with him constantly?”

“It was stupid,” he shrugged and then pulled me in for another kiss.

I go slightly reluctantly but then decide to let it go. Who cares anyway?

I have the school’s hottest guy as my boyfriend and now my prom date. Life couldn’t get any better!


Brandon pulled up in front of a huge mansion, similar to my own. He quickly ran to the passenger side and opened the door for me, kissing my cheek as I passed.

Grabbing my hand, he walked me up to the front doorstep and unlocked the door.

“My parents aren’t home yet,” he said, leading me inside. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

He led me throughout the entire house, pointing out the bedrooms, bathrooms, gym, cinema room, multiple living rooms and finally the dining and kitchen.

He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of orange juice.

“You like?” he asked, holding it up.

I nodded and he poured me a glass. Taking a sip, I sat down at the table.

“Sooo….what do you want to do?” I asked awkwardly and he laughed and then smiled.

“Wanna watch a movie?” he asked and I nodded.

“That sounds great!” I said gratefully.

He put in a random movie and we both settled back, against the plush couch.

I tried to concentrate on the movie but I didn’t even know what it was about so I just gave up and started to pick at my fingernails. “So…” I said awkwardly.

“You aren’t enjoying the movie?” he asked.


“What do you want to do then?” Turning to me, he propped his face up in his hands and looked at me curiously.

“I don’t know,” I shrugged aimlessly and he sighed.

“Are you nervous about meeting my parents?” he frowned at me curiously and I sighed and shook my head.

“No…no…it’s not that,” I sighed and then gave him a smile “I loved the way you asked me to prom this morning though!” I leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

He sighed into the kiss slightly and gripped the back of my head, smiling slightly as I shifted closer and clung to his shirt.

The two of us were making out for a good ten minutes, stopping just so we could take a few essential gulps of air before going back to kissing.

We didn’t even hear a car pulling up in the driveway or the sound of the door opening or the slight tick-tock of heels as they walked into the living room.

There was the sound of a stern throat clearing and we both jerked away instantly as if we had been electrocuted.

I tried to smooth down my mussed hair and wrinkled clothes before turning to Brandon’s mother with a blush on my cheeks.

“Hello Mrs Taylor,” I smiled and she sniffed, looking me over and then smiled thinly.

“Hello….” she trailed off.

“Scarlett,” I provided and she nodded.

“Hello Scarlett. So you’re Brandon’s new girlfriend?” she asked, disapproval clear in her voice.

I stood up, straightening to my full height, not willing to let anyone belittle me. “Yes I am!” I smiled, sticking out my hand for her to shake.

“Hmm,” she took my hand and shook it. “Anyway, Brandon dear, your father is going to be home soon so make sure you’ve washed up before dinner,” she said and then went back to her phone.

“Great!” Brandon said “and can Scarlett join us Mom?”

Mrs Taylor wrinkled her nose slightly but nodded. “If she wants.”

I winced at the unfriendly comment but nodded nonetheless. I would win this woman over! I didn’t know why she didn’t like me, but it didn’t matter! By the end of the night, she would be under the charm of Scarlett Anderson.


A / N : i am aware that this might not be the longest chapter ever written but i wanted to post something so i thought this would be better than nothing! and can i just say, thank you for all the support i get on not only this book, but my other ones as well! it honestly means so much to me that you guys care enough to read and vote and comment so you should all know that you make my day!!

i hope that you enjoyed this chapter even though i am aware this is not my best piece of work and for that i truly am sorry but i am honestly a little bit confused about this story but let’s just see how it goes, okay??

leave me a comment, giving me feedback bc i love to hear from you guys! and vote and maybe even fan!!

see you cuties in my next update!

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