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Sam screamed at the Valey Trust officer who sat on the armchair with his arms cross, little angrily.

"Sam, calm it!" Mandy still cradling her crying baby to sleep turned to the broad man. "Who is your manager?"

"Uhmm... Ma'am the manager for this Valey Trust is inside-"

"I asked who is your manager, not the businessman of this Trust," she clarified irritatedly.

"He's bullshit, we need to go in," Sam proclaimed holding her head in frustration, she began to fidget with her sweating palms and pace around the small garage-type entrance.

"Look, it's my co-worker and we need to go in," Mandy tried a little calmly.

"Orders are order Ma'am we can't-"

"You need-" 

"Shut-up little girl, we don't need you screaming around!" The man turned to Mandy, before feeling a tight punch on his right cheek. He slung on the round and distantly heard Mandy screaming to get Sam off of him.

She lunged onto him and threw another hard punch on his nose and quick kick on his stomach. He began to splutter out saliva on the cement ground.

"Don't you dare call me a little girl again, or I promise you will regret it a little more than you do now!"

Divided We Stand: Ackley Bridgeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें