Divided We Stand

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Just sometimes tell me what's wrong with my story, tell me some concepts I should add or subtract from my story and give me some ideas. And Please Vote!

Martin Evershed

"I am sorry, I've got my wife, my kids, my perfect lifestyle, I've got a job, but the reason I am helping you is that I am a teacher, and I can't sit still play happy if my students aren't."

Sam Murgatroyd

"Why is it whenever I catch a glimpse of happiness my world has to fall apart?"

Riz Nawaz

"Don't say anything about me or my family, because I promise it'll be the last thing you utter out of that ugly, FUCKING mouth of yours!"

Izza Shaikh

"I can feel it, running through my veins, the blood of my forefathers and I promise I will grow up to make them proud in heaven."

Hassan Hussain

"I think I am... not Muslim."

Divided We Stand: Ackley BridgeWhere stories live. Discover now