Drink to That Yeah Eee Yeah!

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One of the unique and fun imaginative parts to this story are the Greek parties that her sorority throws. They are the very definition of extra!

From an Atlantic themed party in Chapter |1| ATLANTEANS NOT GREEKS |:| to the Vampire coven Halloween themed party in Chapter |19| SPIDER'S WEB |:| & Chapter |20| CONSEQUENCES & REPERCUSSIONS |:| these over-the-top parties might be a better understanding about Syria than anything else. Go Hard or go home!

Excerpt from Chapter |1| ATLANTEANS NOT GREEKS |:|:

She presented a small smile before she turned her head toward the sorority house when the lights outside the Phi Psi Phi house all turned off along with the music. Everyone gathered closer knowing that this was it.

A spot light cut on pointing to someone at the front door which had been closed from allowing anyone to enter all day. The woman was dressed in a baby blue shimmering two piece with her midsection on display. She had white hair, dark skin and funny colored eyes. She was holding a very convincing Triton in her hand. She banged on the ground before she addressed the waiting crowd.

"Mortals, you have weathered ice and cold, dove leagues under the sea, and fought the deadly sea monster," she said pointing to the bar which was decorated to look like a big monster. "All to get a glimpse of a lost city of ruins of magic or myth or gold and treasure. What you find when you get to the gate is not crumbled ruins, but life!" More lights turned on and at their locations were women dressed just like her with similar weapons. "We do not take kindly to your intrusion." The other warriors grunted and took a war stance position pointing the weapons toward the chattering crowd.

"Unless one among you can utter the password, we have no choice but to cut all of you down. Does anyone dare come forth?"

One girl made her way through the crowd to the front.

"The password mortal?"

"Uh, Sisters of light of water and power, I‒uh‒uh‒"

"WRONG!" The woman shouted. Loud music flared up sounding like doomsday was upon them as the girl was removed.

"Anyone else."

A cute redhead bounced up to the front. Syria had run into the girl a couple times to know she was also looking to pledge Phi Psi Phi.

"Bonds of power ponds of ice the ground‒or no, the sound of‒ oh shit‒"

"WRONG! One more chance before you feel our wrath. Has any among you collected the password for entry?"

Syria swallowed and raised her hand. This was so crazy and so epic she could hardly contain her excitement to see what was behind those doors.

She raised her chin and pushed out her chest maybe she would feel the confidence if she looked the role. She strolled up the steps and faced the pretty woman who she knew was Vivica Zenith, the Phi Psi Phi Vice president. She swallowed trying to recall the words on the page that was so close in her boot. She'd spend two days memorizing it because she didn't want to look like a fool. Maybe she shouldn't have had that last drink.

She took a deep breath before she spoke loudly. If she was going to strike out, then she'd go out with a bag. "Depths of ocean, depths of sea. Lost City of Atlantis reveal yourself to me!"

The woman's strange clear blue eyes stared into Syria and the crescendoing drums from the sound system rumbled. Vivica bowed her head and knocked her staff on the ground. A series of lights started lighting up in bright blue markings on the door looking like it was coming to life before it opened. The crowd was cooing and cheering.

"Follow the glowing path to the abundance that awaits." Vivica said stepping to the side.

Kate linked arms with Syria with a silly laugh as they walked inside and followed large squares that had bright blue hieroglyphics carved into them. Off the glowing path was light moving over the floor to make it look like water.

"This is sick! I can't believe it."

Syria leaned down to talk in her friend's ear. "You sure you don't want to pledge?"

"This has me second guessing."

Syria laughed. "You're such a liar."

They gasped when they finally came to the backyard. There were lots of water features dripping water from waterfalls on to staggered stones that looked like carvings with ancient faces. Foam collected at the fountain at the bottom. There were blue glowing beverage bars and a dance floor all lit up with hieroglyphs and a DJ that was playing one of Syria's favorite songs. 


These parties were so fun to write and really brought my vision of the Greek world from her perspective to life! It really set up an interesting juxtaposition to Skyler who is practical and serious.

Make sure to check out Ugly Duckling exclusively on the Radish Fiction App.

Always my Best,


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