Claws Out!

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Some of the best parts about college dramas are the cat fights and petty bullshit. Most of its all in good humor, but sometimes lines get crossed. 

In Chapter |19| SPIDER'S WEB |:| Phi Psi Phi President, Melanie, puts Skyler into a precarious situation not only exposing the Ugly Duckling pledge challenge and making Syria look like a lying, manipulative, slut; but also cons Skyler into taking Syria's fate into his hands.


She exhaled, annoyed that he wasn't playing her petty little game. She turned the phone off and crossed her arms. "It's simple. Suck and fuck the ugly duck and get it on tape."

He flinched as he was all too familiar with the Ugly Duck Project. Some dumb Greek bullshit that preyed on those looked at as weak.

"I like Syria." She continued. "So I'm willing to play fast and hard a little bit with the rules. I mean technically oral is sex. My standard is until orgasm and well I suppose I didn't mention who had to finish so I'd say half of her assignment is complete."

He frowned. Assignment? Where the hell was the viper going with all of this?

She took a couple steps closer to him. "I'm a generous big sister. So, I'm willing to complete her task on you, but that's completely up to you."

"That doesn't seem like a difficult challenge to complete. Desperate for more pledges, huh? Setting the standards real low." He sounded calm but he was raging mad. He could barely hear himself talk; he was so upset. The mention of the Ugly Duck project sent him back to his freshman year. He thought he was rid of all of this but no. He had to go getting himself involved with a sorority girl. Part of his brain couldn't imagine Syria setting him up like this, betraying him, lying to him. Was it all the Ugly Duck Project? How could he be so blind?

"Oh, you'd be surprised. Some of the girls didn't have the stomach for it. Syria's special." She walked away. "I remember when I first met her rush week." She glanced back at him over her shoulder. In another life he would have thought she was hot. "She was willing to do anything to pledge Phi Psi Phi." The corner of her painted lips pulled up. "This is where you get to choose since she chose not to. Either one ugly duck gets sucked tonight," she held up her phone the video icon selected and she turned to face him. "Or, our dear Syria is reassigned to five frat guys instead." 


In Chapter |25| FREEZING TO DEATH |:| our girl Syria goes up against the sororities queen bee, Melanie, after finding out the woman exposed the project and made Skyler angry with Syria. Syria doesn't do the roll over and take it quietly very well. In fact, she goes out to dig up some dirt on Melanie. Will Syria rat out the deep terrible secret in front of everyone to knock the arrogant woman off her pedestal?


"Pledge Goodwright!"

Syria stopped but didn't turn around right away. She heard the woman's shoes stop several feet behind her. Syria turned to find Melanie's typical impassive facial expression gazing at her with her arms crossed.

"I'm doubting your commitment and interest in this organization."

Syria glared. "What, seventy hours painting shit, hauling around palm trees and hanging things from rafters wasn't enough slave labor for you?"

"Not that." She said tossing Syria's words to the side with a lift of her chin. She took a couple steps toward Syria. "I like a spunky bitch, but your defiance and avoidance towards your senior leadership could cost you your membership."

The threat made Syria bristle with anger.

If the woman only knew.

"You should bear that in mind." The little lamb continued not knowing the wolf had just entered the pasture. "Seriously Goodwright. I had higher hopes for you. Skyler and his gender are a dime a dozen. Next fall this campus will flood with a hundred more just like him." She started to turn on her heals then said over her shoulder. "You should really learn how to get over it."

"What, like you got over Clint?"

Melanie froze her back to Syria.


The past never stays where it belongs!

Make sure to check out Ugly Duckling exclusively on the Radish Fiction App! 

Always my Best,


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