My Sweet Summer Begins

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Nana gathered her bags by the door. She grabbed her jacket from the desk and slipped it on. She must have been excited because she was wearing a dress that came up to her knees. Dresses were rare enough but one you could actually see her legs in was unheard of. In only a matter of hours she'd be home, in bed, reveling in the sanctuary of her room. Before running away to the sanctity of her home, however, she had something very important to do.

She had to confess to Bokuto. There was no getting around it. Nana didn't like how she felt when she thought about him or when she saw him or when he talked to her. Being on edge all the time was not fun. This infatuation thing was clearly overrated and bad for one's health- young or old.

With some hesitation Nana made her way outside with her bags thrown over her shoulders and dragging one behind. She went over what she would say when she saw Bokuto. She hurried to the parking lot where they were supposed to gather but found none of them there. She traversed the cars and found Kuroo's red and silver camaro but no Kuroo. They were supposed to give her a ride home but none of them were there.

"Chibi-chan! Good, you're here."

The sound of his voice made her tense and her stomach flipped. She knew she was blushing horribly so she tried to hide her face. Bokuto approached her. "Are you okay, Nana-chan?"

"Mm. I'm fine! Wh-where's Honoka-chan?"

"I don't know. They were supposed to meet us here. I can't get in touch with Kuroo or Kenma either." He scratched his head. "I guess we could wait here for them then."

Nana's eyes started to tear up from how hot her face was getting. I know they did this on purpose! I didn't ask them for their help! She pulled up her hood to try and hide her face as he turned to lean back against the car. It's too soon! I'm not ready. This is too embarrassing. My head feels like it's going to explode. I have to come up with some kind of excuse to get out of here.

"So what are you doing over the summer break?"

Why'd you have to talk?! I was just about to escape! "I-I was just planning on staying home, you know. Relaxing away from school."

"That sounds nice."

Nana hated how dejected she felt hearing him respond so disinterestedly. Maybe I should just tell me. I should just blurt it out! Get it over with.

Three cars down, behind them, the other participants watched the pair. Kenma was once again roped into being involved. Honoka and Kuroo were the master minds and were locked into their conversation. Well, they could exactly hear what was being said but they could tell it was awkward.

"She'll break soon," Honoka said. "She said she'd confess before we left for break so this is her only chance. Otherwise she'll be dreading coming back."

"Do you think we should text them so they don't leave? I know chibi-chan is plotting an escape right now," Kuroo said.

"Will it work?"

"We'll just say we're running late."

Kenma watched as they pulled out their phones, texted then put them away. Seconds later Nana and Bokuto were checking their phones.

"They're running late," Bokuto said as he put his phone away. "Who knows what they're getting into."

Those liars! They're probably enjoying this from somewhere nice and cozy.

Bokuto stood up straight. "Hey, you wanna get something to eat? I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Kuro said we'd get something together but now..."

"U-um sure," Nana almost whispered. "What about my bags?"

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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