Crouching Owl, Hidden Hamster Pt. 1

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Nana had gotten into the habit of waiting at the small tables near the front of the university with Honoka. She watched the students lull in from the parking lot. Honoka sipped her morning cup of green tea as they waited. Kuroo and Bokuto hadn't asked her for any favors the past few weeks and she was rather glad that she had been able to focus on her studies once again, though she couldn't help feeling a little lonely every time Honoka went out to meet Kuroo.

"Ah, I see them," Honoka said over the top of her cup.

Honoka stood when they came up to the table. They were a sight for Nana's lonely eyes. Nana tried to look as dejected as she could- she didn't want them assuming she waited for them for any other reason but to stay with Honoka. "Good morning," she yawned.

"Good morning, Koizumi-san," Kenma said.

"Did you stay up late studying?" Bokuto asked, wrapping his arms around her neck.

She shook her head. "It's just, um, I didn't feel like waking up this morning for some reason." Get off me!

"It must be hard waking up so early just to see Kenma," Kuroo teased, his arm draped over Honoka's shoulder. "It's not like you're doing it for us. Well, you could be doing it for Honoka-chan but who can tell what chibi-chan's true motives are?"

"I'm plenty easy to read," Nana replied, frowning. "It's you I wouldn't trust."

"Koizumi-san, are you feeling okay? You would have pushed Bokuto away by now," Kenma pointed out without looking away from his phone's screen.

She hid her embarrassment behind a scowl as she reached up to smack Bokuto upside the head, making him release her. He grabbed his head and stepped back. He shot Kenma a glare but the younger man didn't seem to care. Nana stood up and adjusted her bag's strap on her shoulder. "Problem solved. Are we going or what?" She walked off without waiting for an answer.

They shared breakfast then sat about for a little while before Nana had to go to class. Things had been like this, just talks and stories of their antics. Antics she tried to imagine herself tangled in. She wanted her studies to be her main concern, but they were becoming more and more tedious as the weeks went on. Sometimes she thought of joining clubs but they knew her face and some hadn't liked the posters. Either way there was only one thing she really wanted to do.

Nana would never go crawling back to those two, EVER.


[12:30] RoomieBeau
hey chibi-chan

wanna hang out later?

[12:31] chibi-chan

[12:31] RoomieBeau
do you like staying inside all day?

[12:31] chibi-chan

i don't get in trouble when i stay inside.

[12:32] RoomieBeau

aw cmon

we have food

and water for little hamsters

if they come out the cage

[12:33] chibi-chan

now i'm a hamster?

[12:33] RoomieBeau
you are like an adorable hamster

so tiny

so afraid of everything

[12:33] chibi-chan

is that what our relationship has fallen to?

Friskie Kitties and Overbearing OwlsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora