Pocket Sized Pooch Pt. 2

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They waited until the guys were outside then Honoka went down to get them. They seemed relieved to see Nana uninjured. She was less than hapy to see them.

"When I said I'd help you guys out sometimes, that didn't mean making enemies out of big scary guys who look like they could eat me!!" she scolded them.

Bokuto opened his mouth to respond but Honoka stopped him with a glare. "What is going on Tetsu?"

Kuroo looked at Bokuto then sighed. "Well, we weren't really asked to hold onto the dog. We stole it."

"WHAT?!" the ladies chorused.

"But that wasn't it's owner!" he said quickly, putting out his hands as if to stop them from charging him. "It was in the room of the big scary guy, but that wasn't it's owner. I've seen a woman walking around with that dog in her purse."

"Y-Yeah," Bokuto said. "We wanted you to hold onto the dog until we found the woman who actually owns the dog."

"You idiots!" Nana screamed.

"You could have just told us what she looked like and we could have given her the dog back!"

"We didn't know if she stayed on campus or off campus," Bokuto said.

"This sounds like a bunch of crap! You're lying," Nana said. "You still could have told us and we could have look for her on campus. Stop giving us excuses. We're not stupid."

"It's true," Kuroo said. "We stole the dog, not realizing it wasn't the big guy's. Once we did realize it though, we brought it to you because we knew you would take care of it until we found the owner."

Honoka looked to Nana who shook her head. "Still, you weren't going to tell us anything."

"Do you even know the guy?" Honoka spoke up angrily. "What if they had hurt Nana-chan? What is wrong with you two? You weren't thinking about her at all, were you? Or me?"

She looked at Kuroo and he sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't think things would get so out of hand so quickly. I was sure you would be safe as long as we didn't tell you anything. I guess I didn't account for how smart you two were. You figured things out fast."

They glared at him. "You owe us big-time for this!" they chorused.

He nodded. "Whatever you want, I promise."

"Now, about this woman. What does she look like?"


Day 3

Dark hair. Tall. Athletic build. They split up to look for this mysterious woman in the dorms and around the campus. Nana was a little afraid to be outside asking so she stayed inside while the others went out. She did not want to get caught out with them if those big scary guys were out and about. She asked every person she came across and even showed a picture of the dog. It was a risk, but it would likely help the search go faster.

Of course, most had never seen the dog. It wasn't like anyone with a pet on campus would be flouncing it about. If they had seen the dog it was only a split second and no one remembered the woman carrying it. She texted the others after an unsuccessful search. They had just about as much luck as she had.

Nana went back to the room and massaged her aching calves. Does it really matter if we don't find her? We could always turn it in to the office, I'm sure they'll find the owner and make her take it off campus. It isn't our responsibility anyway. Her ringtone startled her, worsening the mild headache she had fostered while running about.

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